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Still No Spark

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  • #61
    The green/yellow is the wire going back to the ECA, so I think you are right. That's where it would be getting power from. The other wire runs to several different things so I assume it's a common ground. I agree the spark issue is the issue. My hope was to quickly find the injectors also dead though. If I had not injector power, no spark, and no CEL, I was going to be certain it was the ECA. Lemmie go out there and check the injectors properly; it may still be dead, as Zanzer says above. If the 2nd wire in the injector harness is a ground like it looks (yel/blk a weird color for a ground, but whatever), then checking from it and from from the battery neg terminal should in effect be the same thing.

    Zanzer, I'm hearing what your saying-- sounds on the money. I just finally started using the schematic you sent me and wow, it is SO MUCH better than the Haynes. It's an expert level document instead of the basic-knowledge found in the Haynes manual. I'll move to those test right after checking the injectors Festyboy's way, just to be sure. I understand what you mean then that it's a hot wire coming in, they just decided to make it black to piss me off. I started thinking after I wrote that post, "why would they put a rubber boot over it if it was just a ground? They usually only do that on hot wires."


    • #62
      Originally posted by FestYboy View Post
      i still think you should be focused on the lack of spark issue.
      +1 This is all moot if it nothing is getting through the CKP
      If a hammer doesn't fix it you have an electrical problem

      Zulu Ministries


      • #63
        Bad guess on my part. The yel/blk injector wire had the 12.5VDC with key ON. Strangely, it read negative volts until I swapped the positive meter lead to the ground of the battery and negative lead to the injector wire. So how would I check the damned thing for pulse just to ruled it out? I'm gonna start reading up and figure out where the purge solenoid is and such so I can move back to the fuse block. Giant clouds just rolled in so I think I'm gonna be saved from the weather for the rest of the day. Time to make as much use of that blessing as possible. Tally ho!


        • #64
          Originally posted by Zanzer View Post
          +1 This is all moot if it nothing is getting through the CKP
          The CKP gives a solid and pulse signal. Shouldn't those be going/coming from the ECA (back to the schematic I go).


          • #65
            The meter will read negative depending on how you hook up the leads. There's a test in the Haynes manual for the module but I left mine in Kannapolis the other night so I don't have it on hand. I seem to remember it saying something about a solid light (using a test light) or solid signal being bad?

            Straighten me out here Arty LOL
            If a hammer doesn't fix it you have an electrical problem

            Zulu Ministries


            • #66
              just to clarify, the injectors ALL see 12v at the same time, ALL the time (common power source). the ground is ECU controlled (1&4 and 2&3 are paired and fire in a batch configuration). so you can't test the ground half of that circuit without a noid light (safe for the ECU).

              You can use a test light for this. But DO NOT use a test light to test the ECU controlled ground.

              use a DVOM to check for voltage and wire color BEFORE using the test light for to test for load capacity (bright light = good power source) when connected to BATTERY ground.
              Last edited by FestYboy; 08-19-2013, 06:10 PM.
              Trees aren't kind to me...

              currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
              94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.


              • #67
                ^^ Ya, I was talking about the procedure for testing the ICM
                If a hammer doesn't fix it you have an electrical problem

                Zulu Ministries


                • #68
                  i'll get on that in a second, BRB.
                  Trees aren't kind to me...

                  currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
                  94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.


                  • #69
                    If a hammer doesn't fix it you have an electrical problem

                    Zulu Ministries


                    • #70
                      Yes I got that from toolboy when I was testing the ICM. I already used a test light on that wire (the ICM pulse wire, not the injector ground) so I may have a fried ECA on top of the original problem. I'm aware of that possibility. They were quite specific about using an LED test light. The Haynes manual purports to explain how to test the ICM. However it totally baffles me what they are talking about, even if I had an LED test light. It talks about unplugging the coil but there are 2 wires to it and not 3, and there is a test where they are telling you to test the wiring, and if X doesn't happen, it's the ICM. I'm stuck on how you can test the wiring and decide it's the ICM. I dunno. I gotta run to the Post Office anyway so I'm going to bite the bullet and get the "Logic Probe" from Harbor Freight while I'm out. Same concept as the noid light, yes? I mean, the noid light kit comes with a crap load of different bulbs and fixtures to fit different injectors, and has nothing to do with crap besides in unjectors. Seems the logic probe could do that job plus all the other tests I need to do.



                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Zanzer View Post
                        ^^ Ya, I was talking about the procedure for testing the ICM
                        Step 10, page 5-4 in the Haynes manual.. Maybe the manual you gave me on file is better?
                        I'll be back in about an hour. Should take that long to get back from Post office and Harbor Freight since they are on opposite sides of the valley and I have to cross the freeway to get to one of them. Fortunately I'm on motorcycle and you can split lanes in CA.
                        See you all in a bit,


                        • #72
                          I come bearing news of great tidings!!!!

                          1) if you can verify injector pulse (which i believe you already have) your dizzy and all its output signals are good.

                          2) given that info, aside from catastrophic internal coil failure, the only possible issue with your ignition system is the ICM (which we all know is a used JY unit).

                          ALSO: after reading the FSM, i think that i've found a way to increase the potential engine RPM limit (muahahahaa!!!!)
                          Trees aren't kind to me...

                          currently: 2 88Ls (Scrappy and Jersey), 88LX, 90L(Pepe), 91L, 91GL (Skippy) 93 GL Sport (the Mighty Favakk), 94 (Bruce) & 95 Aspire SEs, 97 Aspire (The Joker),
                          94 Justy 4WD, 87 Fiero GT, plus 2 parts cars. That's my fleet.


                          • #73
                            Got to always love good news! :mrgreen:

                            Should be as simple as "Check continuity of pick-up coil. If continuity exists, replace igniter unit. If continuity does not exist, replace pick-up coil." So sayeth the Mitchell

                            So what's up with the RPM limit?? C'mon man, spill it!
                            Last edited by Zanzer; 08-19-2013, 07:46 PM.
                            If a hammer doesn't fix it you have an electrical problem

                            Zulu Ministries


                            • #74
                              Which is why you aren't seeing voltage out of the coil when you are getting voltage in..

                              I vote ICM.. Junk JY dizzy. usually only thing that goes wrong.
                              1988 Ford Festiva "Sonic" BPT g25mr MS2 standalone ecu, FOTY '11, Best Beater FMV, Fan Favorite FMVI

                              1989 Ford Mustang GT 5.slow

                              1996 Ford F-150


                              • #75
                                Muahahaha! My replacement ICM showed up in the post today, along with a hefty check from my previous employer. Apparently one of the job codes I had billed time to was attached to a government contract that specified the minimum hourly pay for workers. You probably guessed that my wage rate was lower than the mandated minimum so, Ka-Pow! big check in the mail for ol' Toasty. My stars must be aligned right now; I'm hurrying out there to test this shit and fire the car up. C'mon mojo, stay with me... stay with me....

