FMS screwed me bc they didnt sand the body kit before shooting primer onto it so the primer is peeling off now. im working on lining up someone to paint it while im building the engine. the biggest thing left is the ms
my mains and rods will be in tomorrow but I have drill Thursday so most likely wont work on it untill I get back. this month is very busy. 14-18, 23 & 24 I have drill and also July 8-14
got the final axle last week and modified it and the drive train is complete....went to the jy today and got a set of shift cables from a Hyundai elantra, snagged the shifter as well and modified the ends a little bit and it shifts now through all gears and is very tight, the elantra shifter seems shorter, so I now have a short shifter lol.
got my seat brackets made today and bolted in.. looks kinda high but once your sitting in it its not too bad with the quick release hub that moves the steering wheel forward about 3 inches it sits comfortably, thanks to the tilt wheel.
yeah he is gonna look for me this weekend hopefully. Its a big relief knowing Ive got help b/c I was beginning to think id just use the stubs in the front tires and make it RWD lol
cool man, I think he got my PM and probably yours. fingers crossed that ya lucked out.
yeah he is gonna look for me this weekend hopefully. Its a big relief knowing Ive got help b/c I was beginning to think id just use the stubs in the front tires and make it RWD lol
PM Hatchback immediately! he just found a 4wd pro in a junkyard he pm'd me about it and I went to send him one back and there was a database error. You might have gotten lucky! even if they are toast they can still be rebuilt through rockauto.
thanks!!!!! i pmed him....ive never had so much trouble with the data base.....hope it went through
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