Drove down to Worthington to pick up another load and empty the storage unit. Picked up the California King mattress I bought a few months back.

Festiva-Mattress.jpgChester Passed Out.jpg
While I was there (it was fairly warm), I went ahead and replaced the valve cover gasket.
Valve Cover Off.jpg
The old one was pretty ratty... so I get it all cleaned up, all the bolts on.. tightening down the last bolt (front-middle), and the dang bolt snaps in two@$#@!#@!$@
Couldn't get it out, will have to have someone drill and re-tap (hopefully cheap, they don't have to remove a single thing to get to it..), as I can't find my dang power tools. So went home with a squealing belt, leaking oil, and a loaded-up car. What a night!
Good news is it's actually leaking LESS oil than it was before lol.
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