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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • Spike
    Yesterday, but eh.

    Drove down to Worthington to pick up another load and empty the storage unit. Picked up the California King mattress I bought a few months back. Winchester (our dog) christened it immediately. We had a long day.
    Festiva-Mattress.jpgChester Passed Out.jpg

    While I was there (it was fairly warm), I went ahead and replaced the valve cover gasket.
    Valve Cover Off.jpg

    The old one was pretty ratty... so I get it all cleaned up, all the bolts on.. tightening down the last bolt (front-middle), and the dang bolt snaps in two@$#@!#@!$@

    Couldn't get it out, will have to have someone drill and re-tap (hopefully cheap, they don't have to remove a single thing to get to it..), as I can't find my dang power tools. So went home with a squealing belt, leaking oil, and a loaded-up car. What a night!

    Good news is it's actually leaking LESS oil than it was before lol.


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  • bravekozak
    Do you have anything else spliced into that circuit? EVTM has only failed me once.
    Let's revisit your thread.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 03-18-2014, 08:14 PM.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Had to jump it to go to work.

    I seriously cannot figure out this parasitic draw on the headlight circuit.

    The EVTM didn't help much.

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  • Oren09
    What that guy said^
    But in Texas, I have castle doctrine to protect me.

    Not so much what I did today but more of a small update.
    My dad has been borrowing my Festiva due to his lack of transportation.
    I have recently changed the oil and replaced the tires. It is now rolling on 185/60R14 Kumho Solus KR21 tires on 1970s Celica steelies.
    The car sits higher and the grip is amazing. I can't push the car hard enough to break traction on public roads. And my dad said it did excellent in a downpour of rain.
    I am getting a total knee replacement in one week so I won't be driving my car for quite some time (left knee, 5sp car).

    I've been having an issue with the oil.
    The dipstick tube occasionally has a buildup of white/cream coloured something in it. The problem is intermittent. Sometimes there is a lot, other times there is none at all. There is no sign of this stuff in the valve cover nor any indications of a blown head gasket.
    Here is a picture from today:

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  • Twistiva
    Originally posted by jdm19942 View Post
    Luckily this time it doesn't appear that they did any damage I just noticed my dome light was on and I haven't messed with the green festiva in over two weeks and it was unlocked even though I know I locked it. But they are starting to get more courage because when they broke into the white Festiva and broke the radio surround it was kinda hidden by other cars in the corner of the driveway where the green one was in plain view from my bedroom and kitchen window. As far as changing the locks goes if they mess with the cars anymore I'll take further action on either changing locks or just parking in the garage but I don't think they will mess with them anymore because I think each time I nearly missed walking up on them because the white Festiva was one wiggle away from having the radio and green one the dome light wasn't dim at all and it has always had kinda of a weak battery.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Sounds to me like they're getting more gutsy, not less.

    I wouldn't necessarily 'want' to shoot anyone but I would love to make them break out into a cold sweat when they hear me cock the trigger on my Smith & Wesson 9 mil. With my gun pointed at their head I'd make them slowly take out their cell phone, call 911 and report a theft in progress. And that's how the police would find me.....them face down, spread-eagle on the ground with my gun at their backside.

    Again, good luck.

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  • jdm19942
    Originally posted by Twistiva View Post
    Man, that would fricking tick me off!!!!!!!!!! :gritteeth: :gritteeth: :gritteeth: :gritteeth:

    I'm sorry to hear that. Can you change the locks? Did they do any damage? Good luck keeping the thieves at bay.
    Luckily this time it doesn't appear that they did any damage I just noticed my dome light was on and I haven't messed with the green festiva in over two weeks and it was unlocked even though I know I locked it. But they are starting to get more courage because when they broke into the white Festiva and broke the radio surround it was kinda hidden by other cars in the corner of the driveway where the green one was in plain view from my bedroom and kitchen window. As far as changing the locks goes if they mess with the cars anymore I'll take further action on either changing locks or just parking in the garage but I don't think they will mess with them anymore because I think each time I nearly missed walking up on them because the white Festiva was one wiggle away from having the radio and green one the dome light wasn't dim at all and it has always had kinda of a weak battery.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • Twistiva
    Originally posted by jdm19942 View Post
    Today I discovered someone broke into my other festiva over the night needless to say they are now parked in front of the motion light on my garage and every door/hatch is locked on the two in my driveway. The funny thing is I am wondering why they keep breaking into the festivas I mean I have nicer cars with more expensive radios and interiors that seem to go untouched but the festivas that have almost nothing of value in the interior keep getting broken into.
    Man, that would fricking tick me off!!!!!!!!!! :gritteeth: :gritteeth: :gritteeth: :gritteeth:

    I'm sorry to hear that. This and accidents are my biggest fear. Can you change the locks? Did they do any damage? Good luck keeping the thieves at bay.
    Last edited by Twistiva; 03-18-2014, 01:36 PM.

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  • bobbyspider
    What i did for my festy today? Hmmm lets see... GAVE IT THE FINGER AND YELLED AT IT FOR BLOWING A HEAD GASKET!

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  • jawbraeka
    Originally posted by bravekozak View Post
    Install a Viper alarm and power locks. You will need the remote to disable the alarm every time you enter. The punk with the drug habit will be very surprised. I'm not certain if Florida kaw will allow you to leave a real Viper in your car?

    I just happen to have a set of Protege power lock actuators for sale. The same ones were used in Prides.
    Screw the viper, just boobytrap the car with a freon canister.. And have a spare 44 gallon drum, a bag of Lyme, and a shovel handy.. No problems and you're promoting drug rehabilitation to the extreme.

    Sent from the depths of hell.

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  • bravekozak
    Install a Viper alarm and power locks. You will need the remote to disable the alarm every time you enter. The punk with the drug habit will be very surprised. I'm not certain if Florida kaw will allow you to leave a real Viper in your car?

    I just happen to have a set of Protege power lock actuators for sale. The same ones were used in Prides.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 03-18-2014, 07:28 AM.

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  • jawbraeka
    Originally posted by jdm19942 View Post
    I am just going to set my security camera on them so I know who is breaking into them because I think I may know who is breaking into them because it all started after someone new moved into the neighborhood. Because this neighborhood has only had three cars broken into in the past 7-8 years I have lived in it two of them being my Festivas and the other was a neighbors explorer which was broken into 5 years ago.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Go the old hot rodders trick and run a current through the door handles.. They won't do that again.. But get them on camera too.

    Sent from the depths of hell.

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  • jdm19942
    Originally posted by jawbraeka View Post
    Easy targets.. Try an after market central locking kit with an RFID tag so the doors lock when you're out or range or the Opel astra as double locking for extra security.

    Sent from the depths of hell.
    I am just going to set my security camera on them so I know who is breaking into them because I think I may know who is breaking into them because it all started after someone new moved into the neighborhood. Because this neighborhood has only had three cars broken into in the past 7-8 years I have lived in it two of them being my Festivas and the other was a neighbors explorer which was broken into 5 years ago.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • jawbraeka
    Originally posted by jdm19942 View Post
    Today I discovered someone broke into my other festiva over the night needless to say they are now parked in front of the motion light on my garage and every door/hatch is locked on the two in my driveway. The funny thing is I am wondering why they keep breaking into the festivas I mean I have nicer cars with more expensive radios and interiors that seem to go untouched but the festivas that have almost nothing of value in the interior keep getting broken into.
    Easy targets.. Try an after market central locking kit with an RFID tag so the doors lock when you're out or range or the Opel astra as double locking for extra security.

    Sent from the depths of hell.

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  • jdm19942
    Today I discovered someone broke into my other festiva over the night needless to say they are now parked in front of the motion light on my garage and every door/hatch is locked on the two in my driveway. The funny thing is I am wondering why they keep breaking into the festivas I mean I have nicer cars with more expensive radios and interiors that seem to go untouched but the festivas that have almost nothing of value in the interior keep getting broken into.

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  • muleskinner
    Originally posted by Spike View Post
    Filled the oil up at only the 2.5k mark.. 1.75Qts!!! I've got a serious leak somewhere or the smoke I see isn't my losing another alternator belt.

    Waiting for it to warm up this week so I can put a new valve cover gasket on (the reason I keep losing alt belts). Odd thing is there's NO oil under the car (and it's been parked there daily for a month). Confuses the heck outta me.

    When I purchased Shadow the previous owners had the alt belt on too loose. It wasn't enough to keep the battery charged and we had to tighten the belt. The next day the belt burned off. Turned out the altenator was good but the bearing in it was bad. I replaced the alt and all was good.

    Red, my other Festy, when we purchased it in West Virginia and drove it back 330 miles it ate almost 2 quartz of oil. No leaking or no burning of oil that we could see. So I don't understand that either.

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