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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • TorqueEffect
    Blocked off the grille, and lower scoop or whatever you call it with cardboard.

    See how this works.

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  • jawbraeka
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Eh not really mine thing.

    I think these painted white would look pretty slick.
    I 2nd that notion

    sent from the depths of hell.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Originally posted by getnpsi View Post
    I had the stainless salt flat racing ones on my steelies. new they were about 89.95, they pop up used a lot
    Eh not really mine thing.

    I think these painted white would look pretty slick.

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  • crazyrog17
    Cleared just enough of the windshield to putt across the street into a local business' back parking lot. There, I unloaded the rest of the 10" of snow off the windshield, hood, roof, bumpers and side windows. Pretty sure the suspension came up as the snow fell off, lol.

    Last week I rewired the remote start to power the blower (instead of the radio, doh). I had remote started it as I walked out of the store, but the blower wasn't running when I got in... Even after I turned the key to run it was still off. Checked the fuse real quick but it was good. I feared I screwed something major up. Sitting at a light in traffic, I thunk "hit it", like a starter on it's last legs needs a hammer's tap to get going, I'd hit the blower motor. One solid whack and it works again, hahaha.

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  • getnpsi
    I had the stainless salt flat racing ones on my steelies. new they were about 89.95, they pop up used a lot
    Last edited by getnpsi; 01-08-2014, 10:53 PM.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Been looking at getting some hubcaps for the 13" Metro Steelies.

    Don't want something too conservative, but don't want something that looks stupid. Kinda hard because there doesn't seem to be any middle ground when searching on ebay.

    I thought the Honda hubcaps would look great, but they use a plastic lug retainer system instead of a retainer ring so that kills that idea.

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  • Gomez
    The little plastic piece that you push/pull to lock/unlock the door? Yes, but you have to remove the rod from the mechanism and unscrew the broken one and replace. Very easy.

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  • bravekozak
    You most likely broke the black plastic ear on the inside. Remove door panel, remove vapor barrier. Check to see how to undo white nylon pivot or metal pivot, because handle rod is part of the door lock mechanism.
    Remove two handle mount nuts.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 01-06-2014, 04:18 PM.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Tried to get its doors open.

    All frozen shut, once inside I tried to yank the door lock topper thing with pliers to break the ice inside the door, and ended up shattering it.

    Can the piece of plastic on top just be replaced, or do I need to change out that entire rod?

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  • RhodeStiva
    Originally posted by FestivaCollector View Post
    I went to Ft Walton and bought # 6. I drove it onto a dolly and dragged it from Ft Walton to Auburn Al. It pulled easy. The seller had contacted a battle buddy of mine to sell it for scrap. He was offered $100 if seller would drive it to Andalusia. My battle remembered I was a freak about Festiva's and called the tip to me. So, I have another Festiva and got it for $200. Runs! 91 gl ford blue
    you were in ft walton beach fl ? And didn't contact me that's 5 minutes away.

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  • jawbraeka
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Never heard of the stuff.
    Any old washer fluid washes it off. Though now I am partial to the Rain-X brand, I did notice a improvement with my rear window with the rain-x over the cheapo blue stuff.

    Definitely worth the extra buck or two.

    sent from the depths of hell.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Originally posted by Gomez View Post
    I've been getting 33-34 out of mine recently. This past summer was more like 39 in all conditions no matter how I drove.

    I think I will try going the stop light route, and see if it makes any difference.

    And by routes I am meaning routes to work. lol
    Last edited by TorqueEffect; 01-05-2014, 05:21 PM.

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  • Gomez
    I've been getting 33-34 out of mine recently. This past summer was more like 39 in all conditions no matter how I drove.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Just topped up and figured 28 MPG OUCH!

    What the flying $#@& is wrong? The car drives just fine, except for what sounds like an occasional miss while idling.
    This car should be achieving 35 MINIMUM under ANY driving conditions regardless if they are short trips in the cold.

    Starting to think that accelerating up to 65 on to the highway to get off the highway one exit later is proving to be more costly on gas than going the route with 7 stop lights.

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  • Chobobulous
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Well 3 of the 4 holes are spraying onto the windshield now, not very high up mind you, but it was a damn site better than before where it didn't work at all.

    It will work for now, until I can find one that wasn't as cheaply made.
    I had this sameish problem on my carpet cleaner. Granted your problem isnt being caused by hard water calcifying in the heater unit, this is what i did to rectify the problem.

    I took off one nozzle cleaned it up real good so it squirted like it was supposed to, then i used CLR to decalcify the heater unit. You can probably skip the CLR step. Then i flushed out the line by spraying water through it. In your case you can just run washer fluid into a cup or something, just to get the crap out of the lines. I bet sediment is sitting at the bottom of the fluid tank. I reinstalled the nozzle and did the other side. It took two tries but now my carpet cleaner sprays awesomely.

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