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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • scitzz
    Originally posted by Roygbiv View Post
    here are photos! lookin good.
    Imma say, I luv the custom grill!

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  • Roygbiv
    Originally posted by Roygbiv View Post
    Alright, so I'm (we're) bad at responding in a timely fashion. There is two of us, and we are both on here but aren't always great at replying in a timely fashion....
    SO- we had a yellow 91 festiva (with a dog on it?) and the previous owner never changed the oil- SO.. we got a black 88.

    It definitely wasn't today but we have in the past six months...

    replaced left rear drum brake, starter, fuel filter, coolant temperature sensor, air filter, and the driver side door handle thanks to bravekozak

    then we also really needed to replace the steering rack/box and successfully replaced with a 94 aspire.

    two new tires- and most recently replaced the very necessary deer skull on the grill. its an 8-point now.

    i feel guilty that i haven't kept up better seeing as people are so helpful here. I'll upload some pics tomorrow-- so thats it for now.

    looking to do a similar turbo upgrade on the cheap like

    thanks everyone.

    here are photos! lookin good.

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  • jawbraeka
    Searching for Mitsubishi mounts for a future g series swap

    Anyone want to know more, search 'stick please'
    Sent from the depths of hell.
    Last edited by jawbraeka; 03-04-2014, 01:47 AM.

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  • scitzz
    Not mine. The daughter changed her hubs and LCA on the drivers side.

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    Isn't it cute after working on its own car?

    I don't know about your kids, but my little girl isn't likely to be stranded on the roadside helpless for very long at all

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  • freshtiva
    Originally posted by jawbraeka View Post
    Love the engine crane.. Level- EXTREEME.

    Sent from the depths of hell.

    It works good when you are working alone. You can lift while moving the tractor forward and back or to the side by turning the front wheels. You have to get off a couple of times to make sure you aren't snagging anything. Ones it out you can take if to the power washer prior to dropping it into an other car. By changing your top link you can get the boom way up high if needed. to install new plugs etc. I just left the motor hanging, gonna make a caster for it so It will roll out of the way when not in use. The boom pole will lift 2000 lbs if its hooked up right. The lift arms on the tractor will lift a lot more than the boom pole is rated for. It was a $75 auction purchase. Only take a minute to hook up and take off. Come in handy for many things around the ranch.

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  • rjsmall
    drove it to work
    Last edited by rjsmall; 03-03-2014, 09:52 PM.

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  • 90festivalplus
    looked up prices for my 14 in rim swap

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  • sketchman
    Drove it an hour home from work. On an inch of glare ice. Faster than everybody else. Passed a Mini, a Ram, and some kind of small Chevy SUV. Festiva rules.

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  • Roygbiv
    Alright, so I'm (we're) bad at responding in a timely fashion. There is two of us, and we are both on here but aren't always great at replying in a timely fashion....
    SO- we had a yellow 91 festiva (with a dog on it?) and the previous owner never changed the oil- SO.. we got a black 88.

    It definitely wasn't today but we have in the past six months...

    replaced left rear drum brake, starter, fuel filter, coolant temperature sensor, air filter, and the driver side door handle thanks to bravekozak

    then we also really needed to replace the steering rack/box and successfully replaced with a 94 aspire.

    two new tires- and most recently replaced the very necessary deer skull on the grill. its an 8-point now.

    i feel guilty that i haven't kept up better seeing as people are so helpful here. I'll upload some pics tomorrow-- so thats it for now.

    looking to do a similar turbo upgrade on the cheap like

    thanks everyone.
    Last edited by Roygbiv; 03-02-2014, 11:12 PM.

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  • avitsefdrof
    Originally posted by bravekozak View Post
    One winter up there, and you will be begging to go back to Florida and buy another Festiva. Did you tell the new owner about this site? Good luck in Portland. Don't forget to take an umbrella.
    Nahhhhh......I grew up on northern Minnesota....International Falls to be exact......I remember putting my 78 Trans am in the ditch and it was -40......-80 with the wind chill........Portland? No problem.

    I'm really looking forward to it.

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  • jawbraeka
    Originally posted by iriegnome View Post
    Replaced another brake line on my Festie!! That is 3 so far. Probably going to replace the other front line when we thaw out.
    Invest in some braided brake lines.. Means better brake performance and should last you a lot longer

    Sent from the depths of hell.

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  • muleskinner
    Originally posted by Gomez View Post

    you will be 45 minutes from my house.
    Come on by.

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  • Spike
    Sold it - sort of. Pending on my finding the dang title.

    The poor '90 was my first Festiva, and my first car in general. I learned a lot from her, and she will be sorely missed.
    She's going to a neighbor (Worthington) who's helped me work on her over the years. He drives 40mi roundtrip @ 8MPG in his Chevy truck, so the ol' gal will pay for herself in a matter of 3-4 months. Went ahead and sold him the parts car minus 5-speed trans, spindles, and a couple odds and ends for an extra $100. Hopefully "Little Red" will be on the road for atleast a few more years!

    Le sigh.

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  • iriegnome
    Replaced another brake line on my Festie!! That is 3 so far. Probably going to replace the other front line when we thaw out.

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  • fastivaca
    Doing nothing to any of our cars today... it's too darn cold. It's -29°C/-20°F with a "feels like" temp of -40°!!!!

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