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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • Chobobulous
    Lol awesome steering wheel. I need to get a new one. Whenever its humid it falls apart in my hands.

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  • getnpsi
    Put on my deep dish hello kitty steering wheel from ebay, and threw on some old neoprene covers from another car

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  • M3NTAL
    Painted my valve cover today with VHT Wrinkle paint.

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  • Christ
    Got what I needed. Sposta be basically level in its installed position. Now I can reference the engine to the installed position of the trans and save guesswork.

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  • scitzz
    Originally posted by Christ View Post
    Someone do me a favor and stick a level on the top of the transmission where it mounts to the engine... front to back, need to know if it's more or less level when the car is sitting out of gear on a flat.
    Could have done that for you last night!

    Last night: I have been having some problems with my clutch pedal being might hard to press in. So I tried lubing the cable. Nada. Tried to get some oil on the throwout bearing from outside by removing the starter, No joy. Last weekend, it even began slipping a little.

    So, I bought a throwout bearing, and an entire clutch set. I also had energy suspension bushings with home made plates made and ready, as well as new control arm bushings at the sway bar link. I have had a tiny leak at the passenger side axle seal since I put this trans in used, so I had one of those as well.

    Last night, got home from work, and went to work. Pulled the trans. Although there was no noise, the release bearing was hard to move on the input shaft, so I lubed it up, tried it again, still hard to move. Threw the new one in, slapped the trans on with a couple bolts, put the cable back in, EZPZ. Installed the new axle seal. Doesn't leak now.

    Now, to the bad news.

    I did an aspire swap when my front bearings needed replaced back in June, and I HAD to be in Florida right away, my father was in hospice. I just used what was on the donor vehicle and took off. Drivers side brake hose is leaking a tiny bit, and it manages to go right across the control arm bushings, so I did get to do any bushings last night. Going to order one in today, and hope for the best while I drive! It seems to be coming from the threading going to the hard line itself, and there isn't any pedal sponge, so I hope all is good. At least my Ebrake works. Gonna replace the hard line from the proportioning valve as well.

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  • Christ
    Someone do me a favor and stick a level on the top of the transmission where it mounts to the engine... front to back, need to know if it's more or less level when the car is sitting out of gear on a flat.

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  • M3NTAL
    Fuel injector clinic has badass injectors Mike I can get them for 300. Let me know if I can help. They clean and flow test as well.

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  • Flyin4stroke
    What have you done to your Festiva today!?

    I run 93. Also need to get the injectors flow tested and cleaned. Looks like a lean condition. Also the pistons were clean on the edges.the deposits are pretty bad.
    Last edited by Flyin4stroke; 09-11-2013, 07:42 AM.

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  • jason_
    Not necessarily. I've thought the same and been surprised of zero pits or dips/gouge wearing.

    Unburned fuel deposits can leave weird looks on valves and stems. Quality of fuel/fuel additives is another factor.

    Sent from my rooted HTC Supersonic using Tapatalk 2 Pro

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  • Flyin4stroke
    Doing a head job. Got the new head back $350 bones full valve job and seals and 2 exhaust valves were bent. may have had some burnt valves on the old one.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Changed the fuel pump strainer, so now every single filter on the car has been changed since I bought the car.

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  • Christ
    Yep vinyl uses hook/wire. I kept the wires from one in case I ever do another custom headliner. Doubt I will.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Originally posted by greywolf200 View Post
    My '88 LX has a cloth headliner and the automatic models I've seen have a foam headliner. Do the later ones have holes for the cloth liner or does an '89 have a foam liner?
    I think the 80s L models have a plain vinyl headliner with wires running through it, so the 80s LXs had a cloth headliner. I don't know how they are mounted to the roof, I did read that the vinyl liner just hooks into slots, while the foam board headliner does use holes.

    But I'm thinking of skipping on the headliner, and just cut the pieces of the interior to cover the exposed metal. Kind of a custom job.
    Last edited by TorqueEffect; 09-10-2013, 09:30 AM.

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  • greywolf200
    Originally posted by Zanzer View Post
    It's just for looks. It's mostly to show off Will's exhaust system so I told him I'd install a high flow cat so people can see what it looks like. I'll be running a 364 pipe most of the time

    They never look under my car when I get it inspected, but it'll be nice to have the option now just in case :mrgreen:
    I got one also for the same reason, forgot to say I ordered bearings so Zanzer could rebuild my bottom end.

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  • greywolf200
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Looks like I will have to go back tomorrow and get the headliner.

    I really didn't want to pay $26 for a headliner, but I guess I have no choice. It is either that, or look like I am missing parts of the interior above the doors.
    My '88 LX has a cloth headliner and the automatic models I've seen have a foam headliner. Do the later ones have holes for the cloth liner or does an '89 have a foam liner?

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