This is a lovely sight! After a week without seeing my Micro Machine it's finally back in my driveway with a new, working transmission!
And here is the newly installed Civic Short Shifter. It's a little stiff right now, but at least it's nice and tight and not a sloppy mess like the old one was. I'm digging the new purple shifter too!
Well I'm one step away from getting my car back. The "new" transmission is in and my buddy said it's going through the gears, but we won't know for sure if it's in working order til tomorrow when he gets some fluids in it and takes it for a spin. He did say the new shifter is nice and stiff no more sloppy joe shifter!
He also cracked open the old tranny and said the problem was the last bearing on the main shaft was toast and a couple of the gears were pretty chewed up. Here are the pics he sent me.
My car has been in the shop, but I was told today that my civic shifter and bushing have been installed in the shift linkage. "New" tranny to go in tomorrow. Need some positive vibes sent my way. Hope this thing is in working order!
Over the last couple days I have gone to town on ordering my suspension and brake swap parts, only a few things left to go. So far i got:
-New Aspire Front Calipers
-New Aspire Front Rotors
-New Brake-pads
-New 250lb Summit Racing springs (For the front, will probably be too stiff and will have to switch them out)
-New 150lb Black Magic springs (For the rear)
-KYB Shocks (Rear)
-New 2002 Monroe Kia Rio Strut Mounts
-New Moog Outer Tie Rod Ends (Aspire)
-2 New Festiva LCA's
-2 New Festiva Inner Tie Rod Ends
-2 New Festiva Outter Tie Rod Ends (Came in the same deal as the LCA's and Inners)
-New Moog Sway Bar To LCA Bushings
-New Energy Suspension Sway Bar To Body Mounts and Bushings
Got some 2001 Kia Ria (estate) struts for the front and also got the calipers. Cut the tabs for the kia's sway bars off and painted them. Going Aspire knuckles when I can find a car...
Put gas in mine at Costco this afternoon.....While I was doing so, a young fellow in line behind me driving a newer Mazda
said he had seen mine around town and was looking for one in good condition to buy. He said he was having a hard time
finding one like he wanted (90-93 Five Speed in good condition). Told him to check out while he was looking.
So hopefully we will soon have a new member from Charleston.
On my stock 91' when I got it, there was no front bumper cover and the corner lights were wired to be the turn signals
Today I re-wired the lights do they work light factory again
While I had the passenger side corner light off, looking at the sheet metal in behind the lense its all wrinkled.... So I can safetly say my festiva was in at least two front end crashes, one crash for each side of the car lol
bought my 89 4spd festy w/ 215k 5 days ago second one i've owned. and lets seee replaced air filter plugs wires cap &rotor rear wheel bearings, today im going to look for a new carpet to put in and some matching fabric to reupholster the interior. and make new seats recondition the dash. and look for a center console.
well.. i just bought my 1992 festiva about a week ago.. since then i've:
removed the back seat and seat belts
removed all interior panels and spray painted them turquoise
deep cleaned the carpets
put down a really rad area rug
hung up a bamboo windchime on one of the back hanger hooks
loaded up 3 rubbermaid tubs and ice chest with camping gear
today.. i bought a new battery, air filter, and an extra belt
considered changing out the alternator and started.. those are still original, but figured i'd save the cash for now if i can..
about to hit the road in two weeks for Great Adventure 2013!! will camp and live out of my festiva as i travel all over the country and visit friends and family..
going to take my windows to get tinted tomorrow for security and privacy
have patterns cut out for curtains that i'll custom sew in a few days - for night privacy
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