-93' L BP swap/e-series, coilovers, RIO front swap, redrilled festy drums, Miata 14" 7 spokes.
-88' Mazda 323 SE, work in progress..
-85' Nissan Sentra 5 spd.
91 L 5sp "The Silver Bullet" B6, Brake/Susp SwappedBuild Thread 92 L 5sp "Red" RIP 95 Grand Prix SE DD Wife's Stuff: 89 L 5sp "Carby Car"
97 Aspire auto "Pink Panther"Build Thread
I gave the lady back her tire iron and thanked her several times and she went along her way. I put the Mrs. to work getting ahold of my dad while I scrounged through everything to find anything I could use to cut or puncture the brake line. The wife joined in the search. Anything sharp, anything at all... Spare fuse? No, I can find something better. After several more minutes shuffling through what little was in the car and shouting things to look for: knife, razor blade, scraper, sharp pencil, scissors, cuticle nippers, finger nail clippers, pick. My wife interjects my listing with, "I've got tweezers and a roach clip."
So I take the alligator clip and use it like a saw to remove the rubber layer. I then took the tweezers and began digging at the nylon braid. I just can't quite get through. After about five minutes digging furiously trying to break my car to drive it home I think I'm close enough to blow it with the pedal. So I get up off the hot pavement and hop into the driver's seat and push as hard as I can... Pop! Now the moment of truth... Success!
The caliper released. The Mrs. called dad back while I limped home without brakes. That was my afternoon.
Sent from the bathroom via crapatalk.
This is exactly why I don't even get out of bed without a knife in my pocket! I don't leave the house without a backup knife to my knife!
Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
"Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.
I removed the door hinge screwed into my poor Festy, fixed the hatch latch, and put in a temporary caulk into the holes to keep rust from developing until I can give the holes a more permanent fix. One step at a time. ^_^
Finally drove my turbo festy after sitting for 3 months with low compression on #4. Still low and pushing mass amounts of oil everywhere, but still running strong. I had almost forgotten how fun that car is to drive. Time to get moved into the new house and get the new engine assembled and installed before Indystiv.a
Im not driving a Festiva because I'm poor. I drive a Festiva because i want to!
93 L Advancedynamics suspension mod, awaiting B6 swap
91 GL B6 sohc, currently in the hands of DAE undergoing top secret work. Soon to be cable G, with stage 3 F1 Kevlar clutch... To be continued
93 GL In progress BP/hydro G
15 Mitsubishi Mirage daily
88 Dakota tow pig
Swapped coils, which fixed nothing. Cleaned cap and rotor, which helped. Found that timing advance vacuum lines were on the dizzy backwards, fixed that.
While cleaning the cap and rotor, noticed that the rotor looked new in the middle and on one side, but had heavy carbon on the right edge, looking at it installed. Need to adjust ignition timing.
almost finished putting in a dealer a/c into my '89 carb... just need to finish up the wiring (the plug don't match up correct but almost there)... then tomorrow I hope to start my tranny swap.... oh and need to finish wiring up my new tach
Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
"Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.
Finally painted my rear bumper to match the rest of the car. Not too shabby for a rattle-can job I think.
Mine next!
Contact me for information about Festiva Madness!
Remember, FestYboy is inflatable , and Scitzz means crazy, YO!
"Like I'm going to suggest we do the job right." ~Fecomatter May 28 2016.