I looked at it sinking further into thr grass as the snow melts , some day it may pop up in china and some kid will dig it up like a dinasour relic lmfao
Painted and installed my Spoiler! painted my Caps too, just need to install them too.
Also got my rails and underseat tray ready to install this week....
Saw the thread about using Cascade for coolant flush so I picked up some from the store and I will be doing that tomorrow.
Today I realized my e brake popped this morning and the metal bracket that goes side to side on the axle beam broke so the rubber stirrups are allowing too much movement... yay. Oh well ordered an Aspire e brake assembly so I can do my swap soon (ordered brake hoses today as well) so I should be able to have the rear swap done soon. Need to get my new tires mounted and balanced to the new wheels and I'll be ready to take on the rear swap. Then it's the anguishing wait until payday (Friday) so I can order control arms, tie rod ends, and brake hoses to do my Rio swap on the front (01 Rio stuff). Ready to have my go kart ready so I can start worrying about POWER.
Here is the cabin air filter post. All you need to make two of them is a Fram Freshbreeze CF8921A filter and a roll of 7/16" X 3/4" adhesive foam tape. Good luck.
I started flushing my coolant system today, using good old Cascade. Cascade and water mix is sitting in the car now, just waiting for it to cool down before draining it and rinsing.
I am sure it added a whole 10HP. lol
Movin really made a convincing argument, considering what I plan on running for a cooling system it will definately need that flush.
I painting the tach so it looks like it came with it...ish lol.
You sir are the perfect candidate for a cabin air filter also. I would hate to look in your ductwork unless you leave it in the closed position.
I try to leave it closed but it dont help alot. Every time i turn on my front facing vents i am in a mini sand storm. Did you have anything in mind for this fabled cabin air filter? I remember you talking about it a while back but didnt read too much after that. I may have to get a piece of cloth rub oil on it like a k&n filter.
I started flushing my coolant system today, using good old Cascade. Cascade and water mix is sitting in the car now, just waiting for it to cool down before draining it and rinsing.
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