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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • fezzy
    Finally on the road

    This 1998 Festiva ( Aspire ) finally got the green light, and on the road.
    Have done about 1000 kilometers "test drive" since last week and it went ok, sort of.
    Not that there is anything wrong with the car mechanically, everything works, but it's really a piece of shit as far as the factory settings are concerned. I have to be honest, it handles like carpe on a bend, over-steer / wobble. That might be power-steering issue, need to check it out. But it over-steers with a slight delay then all of a sudden it will turn, then ya have to "balance" it to bring it back. Tyres are 14", not the standard factory 13". So I'm wondering if that has something to do with the geometry ?

    On a straight path it goes very well, except when on a slight climb on the freeway there is no torque, ya have to drop down a cog. This is pissing me off and it is dangerous cos ya have to let the car behind you pass.
    It's a kill-joy and I don't understand why the powers that be "de-tuned" that model car.
    Review says similar, 11Kw dip in torque

    The base 1.3 boasted improved driveability but a small dip in torque output, while the 1.5 became a less-efficient 8-valve engine, resulting in a 11kW power drop in the Trio S and GLXi models.

    Mine is the 1.5, 5 door, 5 spd.

    OK, I hope this forum can guide me where to look first and get some of that due 11Kw + of torque it's owed.
    Screw Ford and their frikin restrictions, this drop in power on the freeway is more harm than good for safety reasons on a rise if other cars are behind ya when traveling at 110 KPH. It's a joke.

    I'm thinking and searching are there ways to tweak the ECU, ( I know nothing about stuff like that, as I'm from the pre- electronic days, 70's stuff ).

    Or do I work on the cam and replace it with aftermarket, work on the head a bit ?

    I'm not interested in breaking any speed records,been there done that, but to give this car it's due diligence.

    So where to I start to seek out what is hindering it's torque potential, the ECU or the camshaft grind/s ?

    Last edited by fezzy; 10-17-2016, 10:01 AM.

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  • Greywolf
    I'm working out the details of what is going where between three cars and a donor car.
    1) Steering rack is going to the White car
    2) Both doors and the hatch go to the white car
    3) White car drivers window into the door from the donor car
    4) Section of roof and front windshield glass going into a car that isn't here yet
    5) Front and rear bumper covers going to the white car
    6) Section of radiator support going into the Turbo car, I'll figure out the intercooler later
    7) Probably the entire a/c system is going into the blue turbo car
    8) If the shift linkage is any good - it goes to the blue car
    9) Parts of the rear quarter panels will be welded into the white car
    10) Front left fender, to the white car. Also the metal door opening limiter dingus so it won't swing wide and bend the new door
    11) I may also cut out the floor in the back around the spare tire well and plant it in the white car.

    ~There won't be much left of this shell at the far end

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  • bravekozak
    Can you say Zika?
    There are no heating bills in Hawaii.
    I wanted to buy a macadamia nut or Kona cofee bean plantation.
    But, I procrastinated too long.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 10-15-2016, 01:23 PM.

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  • ryanprins13
    What have you done to your Festiva today!?

    Originally posted by bravekozak View Post
    ryan, it's time to move. Tomorrow will be +20 and the next day +21. Above normal temps all next week. No frost here yet. All the leaves are still on the trees.
    Can you say green? Can you say banana belt?
    Every time my wife wants to move somewhere warmer i remind her that the warmer the climate the more bugs and animals there are that can kill you. Mention big spiders and then she is ok with living here for a few days again, lol. I know ontario isnt bad for that but if im working outside i melt when it gets over +30 :p i have been to ontario a bit to visit relatives, i wouldnt call it the bannana belt, lol. But i find the temperature and political climate a bit odd. Something just feels wrong about combining in december and brown Christmases :p
    I do like it here, just wasn't quite ready for the snow yet this year.
    But i made it home last night around midnight! And was back up at 4:30 to continue working on my project... :/
    Last edited by ryanprins13; 10-15-2016, 01:15 PM.

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  • bravekozak
    ryan, it's time to move. Tomorrow will be +20 and the next day +21. Above normal temps all next week. No frost here yet. All the leaves are still on the trees.
    Can you say green? Can you say banana belt?

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  • ryanprins13
    What have you done to your Festiva today!?

    Im going to try to make it home with summer tires tonight in the dark. It wont be fun :/ since the first year i had my drivers licence this is the first time ive been caught by a decent snowfall without the winter tires on. 50km drive home i get to do around 9 or 10pm. Hopefully i dont report back to say i put my festiva in the ditch today

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by ryanprins13; 10-14-2016, 06:37 PM.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Originally posted by bravekozak View Post
    Torque, I am going to switch to Evan's waterless coolant when I install my auto rad.
    No overflow tank is required + the fluid will last the life of the engine.
    Corrosive propylene glycol water mixtures eat aluminum components in the engine (like water pumps and intake manifolds).
    Jay Leno uses it.
    Sounds Expensive. lol

    I am leaning towards intake gaskets right now. But I am sure if the headgasket was bad enough, that would possibly cause a vacuum leak.
    I'll also run a compression test tomorrow after work to see if any cylinders are down on compression.

    I did find one vacuum leak on the throttleplate gasket, was causing an awful electrical like whine, but once I tightened the bolts on the throttle plate assembly it when away, and the idle dropped but is still high. idles around 1100, if for any reason it drops below that it idles really rough. but even at 1100 RPMs it still sounds like it has a random miss.

    Now, I am not completely sure I have the fuel rail purge solenoid hooked up properly to the ECU, the BP swap instructions were a bit confusing. Also my wiring job might have not been the best if it was correct.

    Also I haven't been able to get a proper exhaust system installed on the car yet, haven't had the funds, and the downpipe I ordered for a 95' Escort GT doesn't fit at all (flange bolt pattern doesn't line up in the slightest), even though all 90s Escort GT manifolds are exactly the same. Currently looking at just getting an OBX header, then having someone weld it all up for me.

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  • bravekozak
    Torque, I am going to switch to Evan's waterless coolant when I install my auto rad.
    No overflow tank is required + the fluid will last the life of the engine.
    Corrosive propylene glycol water mixtures eat aluminum components in the engine (like water pumps and intake manifolds).
    Jay Leno uses it.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 10-13-2016, 08:30 PM.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Today I found that my BP is using coolant.

    Popped off the radiator cap, and noticed it was far lower than it should be, popped off the overflow and it was dry.

    It's not leaking externally, and not burning fast enough to show any white smoke out of the exhaust. So either the intake gaskets or headgasket is starting to go.

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  • Greywolf
    Some people create what they otherwise could not afford - or make things far better than they were to begin with. People like that are "Creative", and are the salt of the earth, juice of life, and so on.

    Many others are simply lost, and at the mercy of whatever they can afford, trapped in the struggle to keep up in an era of ever higher spiraling costs of living. These are victims, and often have to struggle just to maintain.

    But there are also those who DESTROY - they ruin what they cannot or do not have, and are often ignorant and mess up what they can't even comprehend. They are fools, and I have often said "FOOLS are their own PUNISHMENT" because they will NEVER have or enjoy anything good, deservedly so, I think.

    ~And yeah, they are disrespectful. The reason for that is because respect begins within, and if someone does not respect themselves first, it is completely beyond their abilities to respect anyone, or anything else. They are pathetic, but I suppose we will never be rid of them.

    I noticed yesterday that someone had left a couple of blue paint streaks on the back corner of my white car in an obvious parking lot hit and run. It was on a part of the car that I had sanded and partly redone the body work - so I know for a fact it was not there before. The tail light at the corner next to it was also loose. And yes, it makes me very angry - in part because they were probably thinking: "That car is a piece of crap, so it doesn't matter if I hit it" or something like that, when the truth is I care more about that machine than anysuch fool could possibly understand.

    But there isn't anyway to find them or track them down. It could have been at Walmart, or across the street at the local dollar store.

    What I DO KNOW is this - that any such jackass is going to gradually ruin whatever they own, and their lives themselves. So justice, in a roundabout way, will be served. KARMA is INESCAPABLE

    But for me today - I brought home a THIRD Festiva, and for that I am thankful, even though it is one hell of an abused old heap

    *It also has a steering rack that I think will work in my other car

    Do not permit destructive people to live inside your own head rent free
    Live so that everything that you do is something to be proud of
    Create as often as possible, and in as many ways as you can
    Dwell not on old sentiments that are dissatisfying - because resentments
    (RE-SENTIMENTS) like that are like cancer eating us away from inside
    ~and rot us out from within

    Strive to be healthy in thought as well as deed - so that every day
    You find greater joy and satisfaction all around you!
    Be YOU
    and don't let nasty people change that

    Last edited by Greywolf; 10-13-2016, 01:39 PM.

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  • Festiver
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Drove it up to my girlfriend's place Sunday, and today before I left, I noticed some jerkoff kids had egg'd my Festy while it was parked in the street, found the egg carton down a little ways by the street corner.

    Disrespectful little $#!%$.
    The other day I was at my gfs place in Easton get back to festiver and someone threw soft dog poop at my back window I was pissed it smeared across the glass like why would someone go through the trouble

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

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  • bravekozak
    Call CSI to get their fingerprints off the carton.

    At least they didn't use shaving cream. That etches right into the paint.
    Ask me how I know.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Drove it up to my girlfriend's place Sunday, and today before I left, I noticed some jerkoff kids had egg'd my Festy while it was parked in the street, found the egg carton down a little ways by the street corner.

    Disrespectful little $#!%$.

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  • scitzz
    Installed my ashtray mod that I picked up at madness, thanks to 1990 new. Needs a baby flashlight and lighter still.

    Escaped from the asylum and using Tapatalk
    Last edited by scitzz; 10-09-2016, 06:44 PM.

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  • F3BZ
    found a used set of Cibie driving lites for a reasonable price on Ebay. i didn't like the amber fogs that came with the car. not much fog around here anyway and i won't be that idiot driving around with fogs on ALL the time. with the other clear lens upgrades i thought there was a little too much "clarity" going on so i came up with an idea to "globe" the signal housings and ad a little contrast.

    i was surprised to find the fog/driving lamps will work without headlamps turned on. maybe it's a japanese thing. i plan to switch to 100W H2 bulbs over the legal 55W bulbs but will have to upsize the wiring & relay. then i can be the idiot that blinds everybody.

    tried to use the stone guards. fitment is very tight and hard to pop off quickly in the event of sudden fog attack. looks too 80s anyway.

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