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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • dalebwilson
    Replaced these worn out suspension parts and the drivers side front wheel bearings. Steering and supension is now right and tight.

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  • bravekozak
    I jigsawed two polycarbonate templates for both my door and hatch vapor barriers. I also cut out a separate template for a swoopy sail plate gasket. Nice.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Drove it to work.

    But going to be buying my friend's 1999 Monte Carlo ls for $500 here in a few days, it will give me the ability to give the car some downtime to do more extensive work to my Festiva. I also have given the Festiva a name, Ecoshi*box. lol

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  • TorqueEffect
    Redrilled the holes in the aftermarket RX7 steering wheel boss with a drill press, since the holes for the turn signal canceler were staggered and not straight across from each other like the Festiva needs. You get some clunky turn signal usage if you keep the stock RX7 hole setup.

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  • avitsefdrof
    I'm street legal my DEQ crap passed and my temporary permit so I've put on 25 miles today......great to be back in it after almost a year.

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  • crazyrog17
    Also interested in seeing how that works out

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  • greywolf200
    Originally posted by sactnato View Post
    Installed a pair of strong arm hood lift supports. Going to do this on my Capri too!
    Be sure and include pics of the Capri, I've thought about doing the same.

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  • sactnato
    Installed a pair of strong arm hood lift supports. Going to do this on my Capri too!

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  • bravekozak
    Originally posted by lance lindenmuth View Post
    question, noticed my fan wasn't running, does it only run as needed, or should it always be running if the car is running?, by the way, I may ask a lot of questions since I am not a mechanic and don't know much about festys

    Fan is only supposed to come on when the key is in RUN (even if engine isn't running, so watch your fingers) and the coolant temperature is above 97°C (207°F)

    It will also run continuously if the A/C is on.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 01-04-2015, 07:33 PM.

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  • neanderpaul
    Originally posted by lance lindenmuth View Post
    I put a new battery and starter and a throttle cable on my 1993 festy, it was cold, 5 degrees out here in Nebraska, and I was on the driveway but I got it done, then went for a 5 mile test drive

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  • bolokid
    Originally posted by lance lindenmuth View Post
    question, noticed my fan wasn't running, does it only run as needed, or should it always be running if the car is running?
    Only runs as needed OR when the a/c compressor is on.

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  • lance lindenmuth
    question, noticed my fan wasn't running, does it only run as needed, or should it always be running if the car is running?, by the way, I may ask a lot of questions since I am not a mechanic and don't know much about festys

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  • lance lindenmuth
    I put a new battery and starter and a throttle cable on my 1993 festy, it was cold, 5 degrees out here in Nebraska, and I was on the driveway but I got it done, then went for a 5 mile test drive

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  • 1990new
    I worked all day on them but I finally finished cleaning and polishing my new Miata wheels. They were very dirty with a whitish cast but they look fantastic now.
    Believe it or not I used Fast Orange hand cleaner and a nylon tooth brush to polish the aluminum face after I cleaned them as best I could with detergent and a brush.
    I would put a little dab of cleaner on a section of the wheel then use the back side of the toothbrush to rub it in until it ground off a little aluminum into the mix them scrub with the bristle side
    until it came clean and smooth with just a little shine. I then waxed and buffed them.
    I will post a picture in my Rio/Aspire suspension swap thread after I get them on Trixie tomorrow.
    Last edited by 1990new; 01-04-2015, 12:05 AM.

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  • navdoc101
    Got a front end alignment.
    It needed it after I replaced the rack a couple months ago.

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