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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • firebush357
    You don't happen to have a write up on how and what you covered the sides with do you?

    Last edited by firebush357; 07-28-2016, 12:52 PM.

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  • Advancedynamix
    Originally posted by firebush357 View Post
    I took a play from Advances book and starting removing my Rear seat braces. I cut most of it off with an angle grinder which took a while and was loud and a little painful because I was wearing shorts but towards the last piece that was welded on I realized that you could just snatch the bracket and it would just tear a small hole in the metal and remove everthing. So tonight Im going to try to drill them out instead to see if that goes any quicker.

    On a side note, Does anyone know what that loose wire connector on the right hand side near the strut tower is for?
    It's amazing how much space that opens up back there.

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  • jawja jim
    Yep, the speaker plug is T-shaped

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  • robotrob
    Judging by the plasticy piece that's holding it in place, it's speaker with a t shaped plug, cargo light has two seperate spade connectors

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  • jawja jim
    If not the rear speaker, it's for the rear cargo light.

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  • firebush357
    I took a play from Advances book and starting removing my Rear seat braces. I cut most of it off with an angle grinder which took a while and was loud and a little painful because I was wearing shorts but towards the last piece that was welded on I realized that you could just snatch the bracket and it would just tear a small hole in the metal and remove everthing. So tonight Im going to try to drill them out instead to see if that goes any quicker.

    On a side note, Does anyone know what that loose wire connector on the right hand side near the strut tower is for?
    Last edited by firebush357; 07-28-2016, 06:52 AM.

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  • firebush357
    Originally posted by robotrob View Post
    Today one of my coolant hoses to my throttle split and I had to bypass it
    Mine has the original hoses on it and they aren't in the best shape... I probably ought to replace them before this happens.

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  • robotrob
    Today one of my coolant hoses to my throttle split and I had to bypass it

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  • Greywolf
    I've set the stage to go on a RAID this Saturday. I have good reason to believe there is a B6 engine up for grabs, but whether it's a turbo or not is unknown. There's also a number of transaxles and misc. parts that I want to rake up!!!
    Last edited by Greywolf; 07-28-2016, 03:36 AM.

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  • firebush357
    Finally got around to buying tires for the new Wheels from Great Prices on the tires and it was only a little over $60 to ship them from California to Florida.

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  • Meepersly
    Rotated the tires and cleaned up a soda spill in the passenger floor. Sucks cleaning up spills.

    Sent from my HUAWEI H892L using Tapatalk

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  • firebush357
    Finally got my car back in the garage and reconnected the speedo cable to the back of the cluster and replaced the blown fuse as well. While I was in there I went ahead and wired up a small aftermarket Tach. I tested the Tach using the power and ground to the stereo to see if it worked and it did, but I wanted everything ran behind the cluster so I tapped into one of the unused connectors on the right side of the steering wheel which had an accessory power but when I put everything back together it it wasn't reading anymore. I'll have to pull it apart again today to see if I pulled a wire loose or something.

    A question for everyone though: The Yellow and Green wire for the negative side of the coil, I just cut it and ran it directly to the Tach. I'm assuming that it doesn't need to be connected to the cluster for anything since it is not used or should I reconnect it?

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  • firebush357
    Worked on my little brothers new car the other night, went to take the front right wheel off to check and bleed the brakes and had a really hard time getting the lug bolts out and then had to beat the crap out of the tire with a 3lb sledge to get it off the hub. The tires are from 2004 so the wheels probably haven't come off in around 10 years and everything has a little surface rust so I took a grinder to both mounting surfaces and then sprayed it real quick with a coat of Krylon Rust Tough black paint just to deter the fresh metal from rusting.

    Stopped shortly after that because when we took the right rear tire off we realized that there whole rear underside of the car was infested with spiders at one point in time and there were tons of spider webs and eggs in there that looked fresh enough for me not to want to stick my hand in there so we sprayed it with poison and let it sit for a couple of days. Hope the brake inspection done this week so I can get his car out of my garage and start some more work on mine to get it ready for Madness X

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  • TorqueEffect
    Had to free the frozen rear brakes. :p

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  • Hatch
    Definitely better! Making up for the lack of a rear seat a lil at least

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