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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • 1990new
    Originally posted by Greywolf View Post
    ~For one thing. $650.oo (USD) cash

    I have the battery on charge on a ten amp cycle, but I doubt it's any good. It was fully discharged.

    I also did a short and dirty engine bay cleanup. I don't trust engine cleaners on anything made out of rubber.

    I gave the rest of the car a quick bath, since it was under pine trees. I'll go farther later.

    TODAY IS MY VICTORY DAY! I just GOT IT - and that for me right now is enough.

    I HAVE GOT IT! It's MINE now....

    I don't know how to explain what that means, I was looking in this direction for many years.

    ~ But I'm guessin' ya feel me
    Great to hear... now we need a description and pictures. You will find about everything you need to know about your Festiva here.

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  • Greywolf
    ~For one thing. $650.oo (USD) cash

    I have the battery on charge on a ten amp cycle, but I doubt it's any good. It was fully discharged.

    I also did a short and dirty engine bay cleanup. I don't trust engine cleaners on anything made out of rubber.

    I gave the rest of the car a quick bath, since it was under pine trees. I'll go farther later.

    TODAY IS MY VICTORY DAY! I just GOT IT - and that for me right now is enough.

    I HAVE GOT IT! It's MINE now....

    I don't know how to explain what that means, I was looking in this direction for many years.

    ~ But I'm guessin' ya feel me
    Last edited by Greywolf; 03-19-2016, 05:50 PM.

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  • muleskinner
    Shadow has been sitting for about a month needing a master cylinder & brake booster, which I have ordered, also it needed an exhaust manifold & down pipe. Being that Shadow is from the Cleveland area, the manifold and down pipe were rotted bad where they meet and was leaking exhaust bad. I already had the manifold but ordered the down pipe from here.
    I was able to reuse the oxygen sensor by taking my old manifold to my welder guy and he got it out in 10 minutes. I had him take out the other oxygen sensor, which was no good, out of the replacement manifold. Amazing what high heat can do when you know how to use it.
    I got the manifold, oxygen sensor, and down pipe on, just waiting for the master cylinder/booster.

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  • meyek91974
    Torque', I can only agree with your assessment of Tire Discounters as I was told that they cant do an alignment on my Explorer because I switched to polyurithane bushings and have LT235/85R16s. For anyone reading - Don't Go To Tire Discounters

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  • burundon

    Re-covered the door panels.

    Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

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  • burundon

    Just need to find a spray can of pop yellow to touch up.

    Spoiler, rear coil overs, cut springs in front to level

    Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

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  • BeeDuhb

    Put a rack on it, upgraded to PAL fuses, other misc things

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  • Meepersly
    Bought a turbo for the festiva and adapter for the fuel rail to install an adjustable fuel pressure regulator

    Sent from my HUAWEI H892L using Tapatalk

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  • Meepersly
    Originally posted by Icedawg View Post
    Finally got my engine build and install finished and took it racing. Engine survived, and I won race 1 each day! But Saturday I broke a front axle cv joint in race 3 and Sunday the rear axle beam snapped in half in race 2. A friend welded it back together and I won race 3, which made up for a lot of the frustration.
    Nice glad to hear I can't wait to take my Festi to the track one day.

    Sent from my HUAWEI H892L using Tapatalk

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  • Icedawg
    Finally got my engine build and install finished and took it racing. Engine survived, and I won race 1 each day! But Saturday I broke a front axle cv joint in race 3 and Sunday the rear axle beam snapped in half in race 2. A friend welded it back together and I won race 3, which made up for a lot of the frustration.

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  • blake4591
    I've had similar experiences with other tire shops. My standard policy now is to put the spare on, drop off the tire and wheel on my way to work, and then pick it up on my way home. I absolutely refuse to wait for those clowns to figure out some thing that is common sense.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Well it was yesterday. But the people at Tire Discounters were a bunch of boneheads. Though I really shouldn't be saying much, they did do it for free.

    Sometime over the weekend I had picked up a nail in my driver's side front tire, well I decided to go to Tire Discounters on the way home from work yesterday to get it fixed. They saw I worked for Autozone and they order parts from Autozone commercially, so they did it for free which was extremely nice. I waited about an hour or so, then they beckoned me to the garage, first to tell me my car is unsafe because the lug bolts are only holding on by 5 or 6 threads (The thread in the hub are only about 5 or 6 threads deep, if that.)
    Then said it is like that because I had spacers on my aftermarket wheels (I don't have spacers), I told them there are no spacers, all I have are hub rings, and he told me "Same thing" I was like "no, they sit in a recessed part of the wheel, they don't space anything." He didn't believe me. Then tried to overrule what I said by telling me the part of the brake rotor was a wheel spacer. I told him, "no that is the brake rotor."

    Ok, the main reason he brought me into the garage was to say the lug bolt has stripped and was rounded off, and they couldn't get the wheel off to patch the tire. So I went home, and pulled out my 9/16th 12 point socket, and a breaker bar, and took it off with no effort at all. I basically took it back to tire discounters and told them in a polite way that they were dummies and didn't bother to try another socket to take the lug bolt out, the idiot tech and all the other techs that were crowed around my car instead of working on the other cars there, all believed this stupidity that they were telling me about my car, and nobody thought to tell the guy working on my car to use another damn socket on his impact gun.

    I'm glad I got it done for free, and I really appreciate that they did it. But then to accuse me of making my car unsafe, and then being too dumb to try another socket to get the lug bolt off. I am glad I didn't pay any money, I would be friggin' furious if I paid the regular $25 asking price to patch a tire.

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  • WTFestiva
    On a different note... we put the motor back in, sending our guy to get some fab work done on the front end to strengthen the lower front beam and the engine forks with some 1/4" steel or something, not sure what his plan is honestly...

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  • WTFestiva
    Originally posted by bravekozak View Post
    Today, I accidentally hooked my battery terminals up in reverse to a spare winter battery. Nothing fried. Lucky. I turned the battery around, hooked up the terminals properly and it started. Everything worked normally. Thank goodness for no ECU.
    That is pretty lucky, i did the same thing, didn't realize it and fried some of the ground wires once... wiring has been a pain ever since...

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  • bravekozak
    Today, I accidentally hooked my battery terminals up in reverse to a spare winter battery. Nothing fried. Lucky. I turned the battery around, hooked up the terminals properly and it started. Everything worked normally. Thank goodness for no ECU.

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