Tinted the back side windows. Need to do the back next. Think I'll wait on the front windows. Since I can't roll them down for about 3 days after. And this heat would kill me.
sent from my FESTIVA on me EVO phone
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What have you done to your Festiva today!?
This is a sticky topic.
Tinted the back side windows. Need to do the back next. Think I'll wait on the front windows. Since I can't roll them down for about 3 days after. And this heat would kill me.
sent from my FESTIVA on me EVO phone
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Got my eye lids painted black and got my bumper back on. Need some grille clips to put my grille on.
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^^ Stripes look awesome!
Renewed license plates and tinkered around with my VAF today.
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Got some hood stripes painted on Lucky this afternoon. A little different variation from the ones I painted on 8ball.
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Finally banged the dent out of the front passenger side quarter panel, cleaned the entire car, now just trying to figure out why my check engine light comes randomly.
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Originally posted by Zanzer View PostELUSIVE, that hood looks like it's straight out of Mad Max!! :mrgreen: :thumbright:
Keep up the good work ELUSIVE!
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Cheers zanzer! Wasnt really the look I was goin for but ill take it as a compliment
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Fixed the lights behind the climate controls. Finally. Also did finish prep for the head. Hopefully it will be done tomorrow.
Now I just need another auto tranny for the car and it will be a DONE dd for years to come.
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ELUSIVE, that hood looks like it's straight out of Mad Max!! :mrgreen: :thumbright:
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I saw those on The Bay. I almost got one in anticipation for my car. "Powered by BPT"
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