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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • 1990new
    Welcome..... Glad you could join us; hope you stay a long time and
    make the Festiva a lifetime project.
    You are not alone. I believe many in the forum have "Teacher Connections".
    My wife was a first grade teacher. She retired 4 years ago.
    Looks like you got a great deal there. Can we see more pictures?
    My aqua was a Junkyard Save -- hence the name. Paid 375 for her in 2007.
    Last edited by 1990new; 06-10-2011, 07:32 PM.

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  • newfestiva
    New everything

    Just joined FordFestiva a few days ago. I saw this Festive(see avatar) on the back lot of a car dealer two blocks from my house and just had to make it my summer project. The guy said he would sell it to me for $200 that is all he could get for it from a scrap guy. Because I'm a teacher I have the time but not much money. Title should be in Monday. So to answer the question. This week(not today really) I rescued a Festiva from the brink of death!

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  • kartracer46
    Originally posted by ENEMY_ View Post

    Huh, I have a silver one that looks just like it less the clear corners and the BP swap.

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  • ENEMY_

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  • DrMaxwellEdison
    tore it down to the waterpump and started replacing it..... tomorrow

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  • neanderpaul

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  • ENEMY_

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  • neanderpaul
    ! pics !

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  • ENEMY_
    Sunroof install

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  • Zanzer
    ^^ Yup, the exhaust valves take a beating in these things and tend to carbon up and pit pretty bad. Usually if I pull a head off a car, 9 times out of 10, I go ahead and do a valve job just because of the condition of the exhaust valves and guides.

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  • Gomez
    Yes getting a valve job and decking if needed. All of this only because there was no way I could consciously put it back together after seeing how bad it was. I was just going to do valve seals then reinstall. But..........

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  • link5186
    Finally swapped out my fusible links for cartridge fuses

    Sent from the bathroom via crapatalk

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  • 200KGPGTP
    Originally posted by 91mcnasty View Post
    ^please explain lol
    Had done a steering intensive maneuver up the driveway, got to beside the house where I park and couldn't get the wheel straightened up quick enough. Lol!

    Originally posted by Gomez View Post
    Pulled the head today to replace valve seals. OMG was it dirty. Probably a 16th inch of carbon on pistons and valve area. Got it all cleaned up and am putting seals on tomorrow and head back on Fri morning (borrowing tool from a guy that won't let it leave his house so I have to make trips).
    Are you decking the head or block or any other preparations before you put the head back on? Just curious.

    As for me, oil pan gasket attempt #1. Better than it was, but still leaking.

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  • Zanzer
    ^^ You can o-rings, washers, pintle caps, and filter baskets to rebuild them on Ebay

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  • getnpsi
    B8-ME is in and bolted up. New control arms and axles are in. Gauges are wired in. All seats are out because I'm installing '01 Civic interior. Dash is apart, pulled b3 ecu but misplaced my 1.8 ecu lol. Discovered the seaks on all my injectors were rotted to heck and the plastic tips broke off too. Took trip to JY today and I had to buy ones out of the only protege there for 38 bucks. Discovered ford BP injectors in a tracer are totally different; they are real ford ones. Glad i pulled the rail w/them and carried it with me until i found a 92 protege. My only worry is the car I pulled the injectors from had get this 384,xxx miles on it lol. We shall see how it goes in the weeks to come...

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