Damkid and navdoc101, interested in putting together a fourgreen order?
There are some parts I'd like to get as well but shiping a few parts just isn't worth it!
1990new, can you give us an approximate shipping cost per item, based on your order?
Total shipping cost/# of items shipped.
'93 Blue 5spd 230K(down for clutch and overall maintanence)
'93 White B6 swap thanks to Skeeters Keeper
'92 Aqua parts Car
'93 Turquoise 5spd 137K
'90 White LX Thanks to FB71
"Your God of repentance will not save you.
Your holy ghost will not save you.
Your God plutonium will not save you.
In fact...
...You will not be saved!"
Checkout my 4Green Group Order Thread. You can download the excel spreadsheet that shows all the details. If you put an order together I would like a couple of things ...you may be able to get the 15% discount if it's big enough.
Please let me know when you are ready for the part numbers and quantities.
Are you going to start a dedicated thread for your group order?
I am assuming that you will be able to send us our parts from a US address. Correct?
HEY! Just asked for a discount code from FOURGREEN.com. Told them I'm a FORDFESTIVA.com member. Got a reply back with a 10% discount code! Anyone tried this before? htd
Some people like to read fiction,I prefer to read repair manuals. Weird I know- Henry Ford: "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently" Fuseable Link Distribution Block repair link
^ Oh so this is not "New News" to you? Bummer I thought I was the first :sad11::sad11::sad11:
Some people like to read fiction,I prefer to read repair manuals. Weird I know- Henry Ford: "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently" Fuseable Link Distribution Block repair link
hey F3BZ im doing my suspension work on my aspire.
and i think i remember you saying you dont have an aspire.
fourgreen has raised their prices on these to $101 each
and i was wondering if you would be wiling to sell me yours?
you live locally to me and it would save me time having to wait for new parts to come in.
mine are still in decent shape but a little old looking, slightly rusty, and a little soft from its years of age.
i may just end up reusing them if i don't get some new ones