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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • firebush357
    I started sanding my Spoiler for paint this weekend. I would have just scuffed it and repainted it but someone put some stripes on it and they left a ton of glue so I decided to go ahead and sand it all down.

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  • hawkdoc60
    Modestly, al I can say I did was clean out all the parts/tools/garbage that was in Silver Bullet for 8 years so I can vacuum all the mouse turds/nests from the crevices. Tomorrow, I shall install the new fuel tank, throw the carpet and padding in, and start on re-installing the dashboard. Well...if the weather holds out. I do not have a garage to work in, so I am at the mercy of weather.

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  • Doug Brown
    What I did today...

    Cleaned off all the old grease from everything and put all new bearings and seals in my "drag racing" Aspire rear end that will soon be going on RED, my BP Festiva drag racer.

    Also marked on the wheel drum in permanent ink which way to turn the nut to loosen it -- no more stripped threads for me!

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  • F3BZ
    re-installed the original molding after horrible fit of kia pride moldings (see earlier post). cleaned and scuffed the old dull mold pieces and shot with SEM Trim Black. this is near perfect match to OEM shine. installed refinished wiper arms with blade tip 1" above cowl mold as per factory spec. next step - 1st PA state inspection.

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  • jbona1
    Changed plugs wires and distributor also plugs running white so hot I think it's too lean. I'm assuming it's the exhaust or a sensor b3 efi

    Sent from my SM-T377V using Tapatalk

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  • bravekozak
    I hate munching mice!

    I put my R/H reinforcement on yesterday.
    Today, I tried to fit the L/H reinforcement over the power antenna motor.

    No way.
    Time to PM Hot_Wheels.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 06-15-2017, 09:59 PM.

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  • alena
    Today... I swapped in a new stereo, fixed some mice munched wiring, and ordered new headlight bulbs... first day of restoration! Far to go!

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  • WTFestiva
    More work.
    Put door on. Fixed accessory belt. Bled the brakes. Fixed the dash. Drove it around without the windshield and fender with the hatch flying open. Found some cones too.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • w4rkry
    Originally posted by WTFestiva View Post
    Is it the Kia Rio power steering rack I need to get? Drain and cap it?
    Yup, Longer throw AND quicker ratio all in one!

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  • WTFestiva
    Actually did the work for festy#2. Drivers side lights, rebuilt master cylinder, put brake line on, put throttle cable on. Did some sick burnouts. Now looking to get the fender and all on, saw wheel bearings loose so that's on the list.

    Is it the Kia Rio power steering rack I need to get? Drain and cap it?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • xXxEpicxXx
    i swapped on a new head, replaced the head gasket, intake gasket, some bad wiring and re-timed the car and drove it a test mile

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  • 1990new
    Cleaning up steering knuckle to paint.

    Originally posted by firebush357 View Post
    What did you clean these up with? I bead blasted a set once and then painted them but it took a decent amount of time because I'm only running a 20Gal 1.8HP compressor that can't keep up.

    This is my favorite tool when it's time to clean up metal part in preparation for painting:

    Here is how I prepare the steering knuckles for painting.

    1. Use old crumpled newspaper to wipe off any gooey grease (or old rags that you can throw away).
    2. Separate hub from the knuckle (I use FestYboy's method) remove the bearings from the hub, remove the old disc rotor and remove the backing plate from the knuckle
    3. Use an old stiff paint (or other disposable brush) to brush off as much of the caked on mixture of dirt and grease as possible.
    4. Use the wire wheel to remove the remaining crud from the parts. Don't do it on a work bench.. I take mine outside on the driveway and put it on a piece of thick foam padding to prevent it from walking away. Wear a mask and safety goggles because there will be a lot of fine black dust that you dont want to breathe and you also don't want to get any pieces of wire that might come off the wheel in your eyes. I also clean the rotor and strut bolts with the wire wheel. (If you do this inside that black dust will get on every surface around).
    5. For the places that I can't get to with the big wheel I use pencil wire brushes (buy these cheap from China on ebay) in my dremmel tool.
    6. When all part are wire brushed, I wipe down with acetone soaked rags (be sure to wear rubber gloves or the skin on your hands will dry up and flake off). Do this outside also.. unless you want to get high on the acetone fumes.
    7. Then I stuff the center with newspaper, tape off the parts I don't want to paint, hang the parts on a low dogwood tree branch and spray on a couple coats of matte black rustoleum paint and then the next day a couple of coats of black appliance epoxy paint. Then the next day I put everything back together. (I bring the parts back inside the garage and hang them there to dry between coats)
    Last edited by 1990new; 06-06-2017, 12:42 PM.

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  • bravekozak
    I tested almost every grease available in the market.
    Esso Unirex EP-2 is the best.

    Unirex EP-1 for those in Alaska.

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  • firebush357
    Originally posted by 1990new View Post
    During this past week I disassembled, cleaned, painted and rebuilt a left and right steering knuckles. Added new rotors also.
    [IMG] [/IMG]

    The last pictures is of a Great Blue Heron nest which is right above where I usually part one of the Festivas. Needless to say it will not be parked there again until the birds leave their nest.

    In case you are wondering the left one has brown grease in it (used up the remainder of a packet) and the right one has red grease.
    What did you clean these up with? I bead blasted a set once and then painted them but it took a decent amount of time because I'm only running a 20Gal 1.8HP compressor that can't keep up.

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  • 1990new
    Steering Knuckle rebuild

    During this past week I disassembled, cleaned, painted and rebuilt a left and right steering knuckles. Added new rotors also.
    [IMG] [/IMG]

    The last pictures is of a Great Blue Heron nest which is right above where I usually part one of the Festivas. Needless to say it will not be parked there again until the birds leave their nest.

    In case you are wondering the left one has brown grease in it (used up the remainder of a packet) and the right one has red grease.
    Last edited by 1990new; 06-02-2017, 07:39 PM.

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