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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • Breedlove
    Are you going to High temp paint that adapter so it doesn't rust, or natural it? I guess you could get a stainless adapter.
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Got the muffler installed to the intermediate pipe, and got it all installed on the car, but not to the cat. >_<

    Didn't have the right size adapter pipes. (Someone used a universal cat on this car, so it was welded on.)

    Though I left the one adapter on the cat, and on the way home from a friends I could smell that sticker on it cooking off. lol

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  • defprun
    The Aspire now has a Festiva swap...12" wheels...almost ready for the scrapper! Just need to pull the pedals for the clutch and brake for the 5 speed swap and any connectors I need to get the Festiva running again with the Aspire's b3.

    Sent from the trash can.
    Last edited by defprun; 10-16-2013, 10:30 PM.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Got the muffler installed to the intermediate pipe, and got it all installed on the car, but not to the cat. >_<

    Didn't have the right size adapter pipes. (Someone used a universal cat on this car, so it was welded on.)

    Though I left the one adapter on the cat, and on the way home from a friends I could smell that sticker on it cooking off. lol

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  • getnpsi
    Originally posted by Prafeston View Post
    You do know you have to reroute the speedo cable in order to put the tach cluster in a non-tach car ri?
    yes, that is why i chose to add some fluid to my tranny. You do the cable to maneuver. What happened is i bought a cluster misding front piece and i thought they are all the same minus ghe trip reset hole. No clips line up. So my options are break all the vlips abd glue the cover or wait for my wtb thread to come thru with a helper

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  • 1990new
    Replaced my left tail light assembly on Bessie. Old one was leaking through a gap in the plastic lense and drowning my reverse light.
    Made new tail light gaskets also.
    Last edited by 1990new; 10-15-2013, 07:40 PM.

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  • rmoltis
    Received my brand new headlight assemblies in the mail today (left+right).

    Man these lenses are clean and clear compared to my 18yr old originals

    Will install within a day or two and post pictures.

    Can't wait to install these and see better in the dark finally.

    Plus all of my lenses (corners, sidemarkers, tail lights, headlights)
    Will be brand new and factory fresh.

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  • greywolf200
    Originally posted by Zanzer View Post
    I found out that Mazdaspeed Protege seats are constructed quite well >.<
    Gotta be a good story behind this.......hmmmmmm

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  • Zanzer
    I found out that Mazdaspeed Protege seats are constructed quite well >.<

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  • TorqueEffect
    Tried, but failed miserably to cut the exhaust off from the cat back.

    Turns out a dremel is too small, and can't reach the top part of the pipe while still on the car.

    Now I have a massive exhaust leak, and is loud as all hell now. I honestly didn't know the engine was that loud. Luckily I know a friend with a sawzall that I can use to cut it off with. Now I gotta drive to work tomorrow with this loud exhaust.

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  • Miah
    started replacing o2 sensor & found PO had only partially screwed the original in & completely screwed the threads, likely he cross-threaded & could only get it in partway. Ended up having to remove the exhaust & having a large nut welded to it to get me by for now. On the upside I guess that means I've moved the o2 sensor out much like using an anti-foul sparkplug adapter.

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  • Prafeston
    Originally posted by getnpsi View Post
    Today i tried to put in a tach cluster and failed miserably. So i topped off tranny fluid put back in stocker and flushed mounted turn signals. Wasted afternoon
    You do know you have to reroute the speedo cable in order to put the tach cluster in a non-tach car right?

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  • WeDefyU
    Got my Kia turn park lights in, resistors so the blinkers go nice and slow, moved the front plate, and a new air filter, oh bought an 80k mile motor and put it in while I wait for my Dickmeyer automotive parts.



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  • drddan
    Worked on my 92 GL sport today. Got the new to me Aspire engine clean, ordered seals for the engine, and got both axles pulled out of the GL ... well almost both ...

    .... the driver side axle inner cv joint pulled apart when I yanked on it! The boot just stretched!

    I took the boot off and took the axle out that way. I'll deal with it when the engine is out.
    Last edited by drddan; 10-13-2013, 11:18 PM.

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  • 1990new
    Replaced the old single hole windshield sprayer with one that spays four jets on Trixie. Works much better now.

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  • Spike
    Mmm, roof support. Then I wouldn't fee asl bad putting my late-'70s roof rack on it loaded with stuffz. It's nearly the size of the Festiva itself!

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