Originally posted by eurotiva
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What have you done to your Festiva today!?
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Originally posted by WTFestiva View PostOurs is still on the trailer right now.
I believe the timing belt broke on our b3, (left side of the engine, oil leak and alternator light turned on). So all I did was look at it and read my haynes manual for a solution.
I drove mine................................
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Originally posted by WTFestiva View PostOurs is still on the trailer right now.
I believe the timing belt broke on our b3, (left side of the engine, oil leak and alternator light turned on). So all I did was look at it and read my haynes manual for a solution.
Beamed to you from an insane asylum in orbit around Saturn via Tapatalk.
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Ours is still on the trailer right now.
I believe the timing belt broke on our b3, (left side of the engine, oil leak and alternator light turned on). So all I did was look at it and read my haynes manual for a solution.
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I left the lights on yesterday & killt the battery, got it charged in 8 ball but looks like I'll need a new main fuse. <smh>
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Part of my A/C broke, and I don't even have A/C.
The A/C tensioner adjusting bolt fell off and got stuck next to the crank pulley. Made quite a noise. I though something was seriously wrong.
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Worked on the Festy in the rain.
Tropical storm Issac, is dumping what is left of it, on the midwestern area of missouri and illinois right now.
This was the weekend to get it all done, and DANG it, its gonna happen!
Watching the radar and I get breaks in the rain now and then, so I run out when I can, to finish the install of the elec. fuel pump, and all new fuel lines.
Just the elec hook up to the positive is left, but it statred pouring again, so I had to run and hide til the next break.
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Because the Protege BP is a small nose crank I didn't have to undo the Crank Bolt, yay. I got the pass side axle out (no clip because of int. shaft) I'll get the driver's side this weekend maybe... Trying to figure out best approach with limited tools...
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Trying to find the source of my battery drain.
Think I have traced it to the headlights, the .200amp draw drops to nothing when head fuse is pulled.
Now to figure out why.
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Originally posted by Tommychu View Posttried for 2 hours to get my driver's side axle out of the trans so I could split the case and see what kind of carnage is going on in there. Axle is still stuck.
Today I start tearing into Babystiva at lunchtime to see what all happened to her the other day. Then after work its time to work on Keith's car some more.
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