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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • gingerjon205
    yesterday broke a bolt tightening my valve cover so went and got some shiny new ones replaced them, took it for a spin and continuing to figure out my oil leak..
    trying to make progress on gettin it fixed up.

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  • Oren09
    Washed and waxed.
    Vacuumed and detailed interior.

    I haven't washed or waxed in months. I forgot how red and shiny my car can be.

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  • navdoc101
    Thats prettydarn sharp!

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  • 200KGPGTP
    ^^Ahaha! Thats awesome! Minijeep!

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  • CharlieZ
    Grill mod progress

    Finally had an alignment of the stars, good weather, and initiative, so I got my SemperFisteva grill mod going again yesterday.

    Pix show 2nd prototype, "proof of concept" grill installed and mock up of headlight surrounds.

    Not sure if it is exactly what I'm looking for but right now it looks OK.

    The grill is fabricated of wood with several coats of Polyurethane under to OD paint. It may work as the real thing. Wood isn't too impact resistant. If I get a burst of energy this spring, I may do the final grill in Fiberglass. The headlight surrounds are Styrofoam just resting in place. They are rough. I used green 'floral' foam. It's crappy to work with. Best leave it in the arts & crafts store. I got some 4lb foam which is stronger and works easier. Cuts great with a hot-wire cutter. I'll keep working at it.

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  • htchbck
    Love my new engine stand. Yesterday I completely stripped Chucks old B3 to the block in less than half an hour. This afternoon I'll be cleaning everything up and honing for the new rings. Rod bearings and pistons look good so I'll be leaving them alone, there was no knocking before just a lot of blowby and low compression. Still gotta decide which car to throw it in, but Babystiva is still looking like the most likely candidate.

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  • navdoc101
    One of my JY tires grew a wart(bubble, seperated thread) , lasted several months. Got a new 175/70-13 & replaced it.

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  • 200KGPGTP
    Got my route map and spent a couple hours driving most of the route for the first time. Drove about 80 miles. She did good, Just hope it can do it every day, lol.

    Teh engine's getting tired.

    The route has a lot of gravel, I was literally covered in dust by the time I was done. :/
    I'll have to seal up the rust holes, lol

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  • junk yard dog
    cleaned the garage

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  • Oren09
    Ordered gaskets for Izzystiva.
    Tomorrow I'm going to pull a "new" head and begin tearing down her engine.
    Finally getting started on replacing the seized cam.

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  • rockin86ranger
    Made the most important modification to any car, put the fuzzy dice on the mirror.

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  • alpaccino
    install the air condition system, and now really enjoying the car.

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  • Ford Fester
    Bolted in juniors b8-me

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  • Bert
    Kissed the wheel of my DD this morning for allowing me to go through an entire winter without mishaps, repairs or getting stuck. And it even started at -25C (all three occasions) without the aid of a block heater.

    Last year's Aspire brake and suspension swap has proven to be much more reliable and positive than what was on there originally, and the taller and wider (and better quality) tires have improved the ability to track through deep snow.

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  • kellen302
    Changed the oil, 3.5ish quarts of Castrol GTX 5w-30, I love these cars

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