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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • Oren09
    Scored at Festiva Haynes Manual for $1.08 at Half Price Books.

    It's an older edition and I already have a new edition, but it's a cheap spare

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  • freshtiva
    ^ Lookin good !

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  • milehighbear
    Finally did it

    Well, finally decided on what color to paint the grey ghost. So over the labor day weekend I painted it. Even put new seat covers in it. I still have little stuff to do to outside, and I plan on re-doing inside with new carpet, etc, but its getting there.

    Last edited by milehighbear; 09-08-2011, 08:30 PM.

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  • SuperDaveGulvak
    Came out to go to work & found it covered in grass and pelted with crap from the vacant house where I park Would like access to properly vent in arena!

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  • Oren09
    Degreased the engine. It was getting a bit dirty from road grime and oil spills while topping off.
    Cleaned out a bunch of crap.

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  • htchbck
    Drove Chuck to work this morning. He needs front brakes BAD (which I have, just not installed yet). Other than that pretty good ride. It wasn't cold enough to need heat but I did need defog and the heater is working well so I guess my backflushing of the core while I had the engine out was sufficient. Probably could use some ignition timing adjustment too but that'll be this weekend. At breakfast time I took him over to the car wash to the mighty vacuum machines to get five panes worth of glass out of the floorboards and back seats. Its not 100% out yet, but enough that I can get the rest with my shop vac. Then its pull the carpet, wash it a few times, strip the seat covers, wash those, and try to get out the chunk of glass that is blocking the drivers side lap belt buckle from working (just been clicking it into the passenger buckle for now). Lunch break I should be installing my stereo that has so far been slated to go into three different cars we've owned, all were sold before the install took place lol.

    I'll get some new pics up soon, but here's one of my flock from last week (before I replaced Chuck's windshield).

    Last edited by htchbck; 09-08-2011, 09:57 AM.

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  • 91_festy_Gl
    Got my crossmember swapped out for the manual one. I also got the shifter linkage hooked up. Gonna grab something to eat and start on the interior I suppose.

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  • Charlie1717
    Originally posted by ENEMY_ View Post
    Well if it dosn't rain I'll try to get some photos of the car today. I gotta go get new tires thrown on the front and an alignment.
    Should have painted my tranny while you were at it butt hole. :p

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  • ENEMY_
    Well if it dosn't rain I'll try to get some photos of the car today. I gotta go get new tires thrown on the front and an alignment.

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  • Damkid
    Originally posted by DriverOne View Post
    It's because you're headed to Madness. Hurry, man. Hurry.
    Oh i'll have it fixed up over the weekend, i'm just not looking forward to pulling the motor again

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  • navdoc101
    Stood lookin at my motor & shook my head. Need to get the oil leak from the left side/Front & the Drivers side CV axle fixed. But not enough cash to do both at the same time. It sux not workin, SS & Navy retirements not enough to put out a lot of money all at once.

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  • Oren09
    Got tires rotated and balanced.
    I have "bends in my rims"
    I've never noticed and dents or bends.

    It's kind of entertaining to take a Festiva to a tire place. They laugh at the car and every employee does a double take and point at the small tires.

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  • DriverOne
    Originally posted by Damkid View Post
    And today i blew my rear main seal in my festiva WHOO HOO!!!......... not
    It's because you're headed to Madness. Hurry, man. Hurry.

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  • Damkid
    Originally posted by Charlie1717 View Post
    Awesome! Can't wait to see it done!
    Same here

    And today i blew my rear main seal in my festiva WHOO HOO!!!......... not

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  • Team Lightning
    Gave a Honda grief on I-85. Every time he would get on it, it would smoke and miss!!
    No I didn't push it too fast messing with him. Too many State troopers around!!

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