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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • Oren09
    I know. I put the spare on a few minutes ago. I noticed the separation about a mile outside of town and just drove home slow because it was about 3 in the morning.
    There are three Signet (Sigmet? can't remember exactly.) 155R12 and one newer Douglas something or other. Anyway, the three matching tires are from the 13th week of 2004. 7 Years of sitting and baking in Texas. The (matching, other rear was the newer tire) tire that was on the rear looks like new. The front ones were kinda worn.

    My spare is kinda dry and cracked and the pressure is waaay low. I'm going to have to air it up when I leave (no air compressor here).

    Now I need to find some 12" tires. I've thought about 13" rims. Do they fit with the lug bolts or do you have to convert to studs and nuts? Also, could you run 13" on one axle and 12" on the other? I only ask this because I still have two good 12" tires The other old one isn't showing very much rot- only small cracks at the tread edge.
    Last edited by Oren09; 04-23-2011, 01:42 PM.

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  • Pu241
    Originally posted by Oren09 View Post
    I noticed a hole in my driver's front tire going through the tread to the steel so I rotated the tires to the back. On the way home from Dallas I started getting a vibration and loud sound. The tread is beginning to separate.
    You and whoever is around you WHEN that tire goes would be safer if you used the temporary/spare tire till you get a new tire(s)!
    How old are those tires?
    Got a production date code?

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  • 200KGPGTP

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  • Oren09
    I filled the washer fluid bottle.
    Got the paper plate from the junkyard. Finally.
    Went to the Mazda dealer and got the shifter bushings. They actually had them in stock, but the parts guy just gave me a funny look when I said Ford Festiva and told him to bring up a Protege parts diagram. Installed the bushings. Much improved. My shifter actually looks like its in gear now. Before it would go back to "neutral" even in gear.
    I noticed a hole in my driver's front tire going through the tread to the steel so I rotated the tires to the back. On the way home from Dallas I started getting a vibration and loud sound. The tread is beginning to separate.

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  • GenevaDirt
    swapped the tinted windows from the car I just bought into my DD....looks much better

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  • kartracer46
    Originally posted by htchbck View Post
    Looks good man! I have to do that to an '03 F250 5.4 this weekend...
    Uh, Dang those have 2 to do. all I have to say is GOT BEER?

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  • Eaglefreek
    I installed some new seals on my rear tail lights. There was hardly anything left of the old ones.

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  • htchbck
    Looks good man! I have to do that to an '03 F250 5.4 this weekend...

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  • kartracer46
    Well I got my Festiva cylinder head all put back together. It also got a roller rocker upgrade from a 94 Aspire thanks to a piece of advice from FestyBoy. The exhaust ports got a little work too, the nasty ledges are now gone. So now I can swap heads and Twizted should be a very happy Festiva once again.

    Last edited by kartracer46; 04-22-2011, 03:14 PM.

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  • Oren09
    I washed it pretty thoroughly today. I didn't know the hubcaps were shiny.
    Waxed it again too. The hood is starting to oxidize again. I may have to attack it with the rubbing compound again.

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  • htchbck
    Installed my newly tinted window this morning Yep, window not windows... the other four are still in the basement waiting for me to find the time/motivation to tint But the passenger side quarter came out ok, not perfect, but ok. Got some dust on the film when I was working with it I guess, ended up with some imperfections but for my future pizza beater its acceptable. At any rate it will cut down on some of the light/heat during the summer hopefully, especially once baby Adyson is riding back there

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  • cobra29svt
    Installed new:
    Passenger & driver side axles
    cd player

    & also put the drivers side fender back on.

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  • kumalaba
    Originally posted by kartracer46 View Post
    Cleaned up the engine bay so well I can't find the engine.:dontknow:
    thats clean!

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  • neanderpaul
    Changed the oil and the o2 sensor as well.
    On cream puff I pulled the front pass hub assembly. Have warped rotors. Was going to get them turned and have new bearings put in. But I stopped because I couldn't stop thinking about an aspire swap.
    Last edited by neanderpaul; 04-21-2011, 05:11 PM.

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  • neanderpaul
    Put my white 93 GL auto with air back on the road. I had a windshield put in yesterday. Got it inspected today.

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