Replaced the cylinder head on Twizted yesterday, took him for a road trip to PnP today and he runs so much better. I even scored an Aspire SE cluster to boot while I was there. So Twizted is officially back and ready for the summer trips. His next stop will be the OSX picnic in PA, I was gonna take him officially to Area 241 but time is not going to permit the extra day of travel. I will locate Blue Flight Leader upon arrival to Moraine State Park.
No one did anything today?
Well I did. Went to two yards and checked out new arrival Festivas.
Didn't find anything really useful
Installed the door pockets I got awhile back.
Washed and waxed.. again. I think I may need to use a different brand/kind of wax.
Used RTV to create a gasket for the fuel pump block off plate.
Got an end cap for my headlight stalk.
I replaced the head gasket and the head.
I picked up the rebuilt head, all the gaskets and fluids and such and replaced the head and gasket. Started around noonish and finished completely around 6.
I put some seafoam in the crank case because I had a blown head gasket and there was grey sludge all over my valve cover. Changing the oil tomorrow. My car smoked quite a bit for several minutes after running Seafoam through a vacuum line on the intake. Doesn't smoke at all anymore. And it has so much power! I was spinning my wheels the first hour or so because i was used to gunning a weak engine to get moving.
Only bad thing: I forgot the fuel pump mounting hole cover needs a gasket. Quite a bit of oil has leaked out of there. What is this gasket called? Is it just a fuel pump gasket and used with the cover plate? Can I use something else like RTV to make a gasket? None of the parts stores around here carry Festiva things....
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