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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • Aaronbrook37
    Originally posted by Maikel View Post
    Noticed that my fuelpump is swetting litlle bit, not leaking yet. Ordered new pump from for 4,99£ + shipping 6,50£.
    Not bad!

    Also started making places for tweeter in a-pillars.

    Oh man those are going to be awesome when you get them all finished up!

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  • Maikel
    Noticed that my fuelpump is swetting litlle bit, not leaking yet. Ordered new pump from for 4,99£ + shipping 6,50£.
    Not bad!

    Also started making places for tweeter in a-pillars.

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  • frankenfester
    Originally posted by ckiesman View Post
    lol. Well good to know they are dual pattern. Cause finding a salvageable aspire rear beam is hard it seems, but rio stuff can be had all day. And I saw those rims but they were 4x100 on tire rack for 79 a piece to. Looks like I know what i'll be doing in a few weeks....
    Yeah. Heres a pic of the box specs so you know exactly what to look for. I think discount tire can order them for you too if you cant find them. But honestly, I'd dig a bit before pulling the trigger because my original AR estrellas I got for 65$ a piece

    Sent from James' Galaxy S4 TAPATALK2
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  • ckiesman
    lol. Well good to know they are dual pattern. Cause finding a salvageable aspire rear beam is hard it seems, but rio stuff can be had all day. And I saw those rims but they were 4x100 on tire rack for 79 a piece to. Looks like I know what i'll be doing in a few weeks....

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  • frankenfester
    Originally posted by ckiesman View Post
    I was thinking about buying those rims after i (ever) get my swap done. Looking good.
    These are a dual lug pattern. with a 35mm offset (which is recommended on the stock festy setup). 14x6" and i ordered them direct through American racing for 79 a piece shipped. the dual pattern would be nice, at least until your swap is done, so you can just rotate them to the aspire (which is what i'm assuming you're talking about) pattern.
    and yeah, that plasti dip lays nicely. i was worried because there was a texture to it after a couple coats, but once they started drying a little more it evened out nicely. and home depot has that stuff (only in black) for $5.88/can +tax.

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  • ckiesman
    I was thinking about buying those rims after i (ever) get my swap done. Looking good.

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  • frankenfester
    Popped in the New lca's and poly bushings the other day. Took some rednecking to get the bolts out, but she handles like a dancing queen.

    Also plasti dipped my new American Racing 14 estrellas in prep for the new tires which should arrive sometime this week
    Then EARLY this morning changed out my already swapped pedals for some new ones that match the interior a little better
    Sent from James' Galaxy S4 TAPATALK2

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  • ckiesman
    Not actually on my festiva, but they will be. I started making some new rear tail lights, and on the last cut of the plastic, my scroll saw blade broke.... pics soon hopefully.

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  • Potta
    Washed and drove it tested out the A/C and heater , had a ball through my favorite twisties on the way home.

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  • navdoc101
    Drove to Lakeland & got Escort seats from Flyin4stroke. I need my A/C looked at, not real cold.

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  • Spike
    Drove it to the junker ...

 hunt for parts! Haha.

    Great snag today.. they had a fresh '90 L-Plus with two brand new (I mean brand-spankin'-new, 1/2 inch tread) 12 inch tires, which they charged me $10 each for (with wheels!), and a 128k white tach cluster! Ohh yeah. Someone got there first and took the headlights and taillights, and I'm assuming the other two tires.. I can't understand why they didn't grab all four, they took them all off.. then laid two under the car o_O.

    The interior was really nice, too, but I didn't need any more stuffz piling up (which probably means I'll go back next weekend to feed the addiction).

    While I'm on the subject, anyone want to buy a white tach cluster?


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  • muleskinner
    Originally posted by Roygbiv View Post
    Made sweet lovin In my festiva for the first time. A little cramped but it was chill ;-)
    Dang! I still need to do that to my Festiva for the first time!! ;-)

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  • Roygbiv
    Made sweet lovin In my festiva for the first time. A little cramped but it was chill ;-)

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  • ericsmith32
    Fixed it finally.. been undrivable since the first snow storm in February. So I was wrong and the timing belt had jumped 2 teeth. It must of been running somehow for over a year like that. Replaced the timing belt and tensioner. Now time for a wash and air up the tires.. could tell the flat spots!

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  • burrahobbit
    Well, yesterday I offically got my '88 Festiva home. Today, I sanded the black spray paint off the head and tail lights (not sure what the previous owner was going for); repaired, painted and reinstalled the grille; repaired the hatch window brake light; and gave the interior a general detailing. Nice to have a project car again.

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