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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • Festevil3
    I painted my spare set of factory alloys white and installed them on my DD, Papa Smurf

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  • fastivaca
    Originally posted by bravekozak View Post
    I taught my son to drive a stick on an 81 Iraqi Malibu with 4 on the floor and a V-8 under the hood. What a laugh. He did a burn out the first time he popped the clutch and pressed down on the accelerator pedal. Now that's funny. I wish I had a camera to see the look on his face. No training allowed on my Festiva.
    My four oldest all learned to drive a stick shift in a Festiva! The next three will probably do the same. There's a very large parking lot with no obstructions near our home that has a lovely view of the mountains. I take the kids out there, sit on a bench drinking a coffee while they drive around and around and around, stopping and starting, foward and backward.

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  • bravekozak
    I taught my son to drive a stick on an 81 Iraqi Malibu with 4 on the floor and a V-8 under the hood. What a laugh. He did a burn out the first time he popped the clutch and pressed down on the accelerator pedal. Now that's funny. I wish I had a camera to see the look on his face. No training allowed on my Festiva.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 03-04-2013, 04:05 PM.

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  • Twistiva
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    When I was doing a few small things out in the driveway on my car, then a nice older gent who is always working on cars from crossed the street came over, he said he noticed I had a Festiva so he gave me an 89' Festiva Shop Manual.

    Since the manual covers both fuel injected, and carb'd motors, should be very helpful.
    Nice score! Nothing beats kindness, eh?

    My 'pubs (publications) library' is complete, I think, with a shop manual, electrical & vacuum manual and a fold-out electrical diagram, all for '88s. Now if I could only wrench on them with confidence...:nightmare:

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  • TorqueEffect
    When I was doing a few small things out in the driveway on my car, then a nice older gent who is always working on cars from crossed the street came over, he said he noticed I had a Festiva so he gave me an 89' Festiva Shop Manual.

    Since the manual covers both fuel injected, and carb'd motors, should be very helpful.

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  • Twistiva
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Yesterday I began teaching a couple friends on how to drive a manual in it. So my clutch took quite a beating yesterday. :p Especially when one of my buddies was trying a hill start, and he gunned it nearly to 6k RPMs and and didn't fully engage the clutch. Needless to say you could smell burning clutch after that, and told him sternly not to do that again. lol One friend still needs quite a bit of work (the burning up my clutch, guy), and still bunnyhops quite a bit on level ground when starting off, and lets the engine rev too high before shifting out of first.
    But the other seems to have got down all the basics, starting off, stopping, knowing when to upshift without revving the engine too much, downshifting for slower speeds and turns, just needs to practice on some steeper hills than what we had in the parking lot.......
    While I commend you for your unselfishness in teaching them how to drive a stick, I'd never do it in a Festiva: Festiva parts are, in my opinion, too valuable. I taught all 3 of my driving-age kids to drive a stick in my 2004 VW Beetle. The hardest part is learning to get the car rolling in first gear smoothly....not over-revving the engine, not releasing the clutch too quickly, etc. I had my kids get the car rolling in first gear up to about 7-10 mph and then come to a complete stop about 20-30 times to get some muscle-memory going. Then from there we'd start again and get up into 2nd gear, etc. That's how we teach student pilots to fly; start small and easy and work up to more difficult tasks. Everyone who teaches a new skill does that in one way or another. If they don't, they're inviting massive frustration on the one their teaching.

    Now, what have I done to my Festy lately?....bought a Pansonic 7" screen, single-DIN DVD receiver. Not sure if I'm gonna keep it or not. Bought another DVD receiver (a Kenwood) and will keep the one I like the best.
    Last edited by Twistiva; 03-04-2013, 03:57 PM.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Filled the tank, and even after using a gallon or two on teaching some friends to drive a manual in a parking lot, I figured 35MPG.
    I am sure it would have been close, if not over 40MPG if I hadn't used the 1-2 gallons on teaching them. But teaching someone how to drive a manual is worth way more than a couple gallons of gas.

    I also put the stock shifter knob on the shortshifter I have installed, mainly because it feels so much better in my hand, and isn't freezing cold like the metal one that came with it.

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  • 200KGPGTP
    Or paper delivery car! That turning radius REALLY comes in handy then.

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  • neanderpaul
    There has never been a better pizza car.

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  • Oren09
    I do that all the time, Paul.
    Festivas are perfect pizza delivery vehicles. They can squeeze through small spaces, u turn on ordinary streets, park just about anywhere, haul butt down a gravel road, etc.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Originally posted by Flyin4stroke View Post
    I suk! I don't have Facebook.
    Don't cave to the pressure, you are not missing much by not having a Facebook.

    People think it is the social thing to do now, but people give too much info on their lives on it there. I find it rather annoying.
    That, and the drama it creates, but I won't go into that, that is a whole other can of worms.

    I don't care if someone had a bad day at work, or if someone is feeling down or some junk.
    I would rather hear from someone in person about something big or important instead of reading it on a website, it just takes the importance of something and reduces it to text anyone on your friends list can see, or everyone if you allow it.
    Facebook needs to die like Myspace did.

    Now Twitter is for douche bags who have a ego big enough to actually think people want to follow them./rant
    Last edited by TorqueEffect; 03-03-2013, 10:39 PM.

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  • Festiva_Fred

    Almost ready to drop in now

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  • neanderpaul
    What have you done to your Festiva today!?

    I set that video to public so you shouldn't have to have a Facebook account to view it. Were you able to see it?

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  • RhodeStiva
    What have you done to your Festiva today!?

    Get it.

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  • Flyin4stroke
    What have you done to your Festiva today!?

    I suk! I don't have Facebook.

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