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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • lulu
    Relatively junky, darling. I mean, it's not a 5 speed :p I can't wait to see the mileage improvement, even if it's only slight.

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  • link5186
    Junky nothing! That's our spare trans, now! Aligned the blue car with some help from my lovely assistant.

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  • lulu
    I drove it in fifth gear for the first time today! I even helped with the trans swap....goodbye junky 4 speed!

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  • link5186
    Nice pit! I'd about kill for a garage right now. So hot outside.

    I pulled the kenwood 4"s from my car and put them in the back of Blue. The p/o stuck a couple old Realistic 8ohm 20 watters behind the rear seat pointed inward and mounted with long drywall screws. Ick. Now I have a real excuse to finish up the door card mod on mine. I want to mount my crossovers in the stock front speaker location anyway. Who says I can't self motivate?

    Sent from the bathroom via crapatalk.

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  • freshtiva
    5,000 mile oil change on frankenstiva. No oil added between changes.

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  • freshtiva
    Originally posted by link5186 View Post
    Time for a victory lap.

    Sent from the bathroom via crapatalk.
    I concur, nice work !

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  • gauge_half_inch
    Yeah, white is lean, light brown and chunky is ash from oil, black is soot from rich.

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  • Christ
    Put 33oz of Marvel Mystery Oil in half a tank of gasoline, dumped an ounce down the carb, sucked some in through the PCV line while idling, then flogged it for a couple miles. Seems to have cleaned up a lot so far, much less random idle faults and skipping.

    Checked the plugs after, they're all white, which is lean IIRC. That explains the hanging idle and erratic acceleration issues.

    I planned on putting the new plugs from Steve in it, but found a bit of a problem... #3 plug from steve is musing the anode and electrode completely... Lean condition must've burned it off, explaining the severe knock that suddenly developed causing me to take him off the road last month. Gonna look into that eventually, engine might be salvageable as-is.

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  • link5186
    Took the trans that came out of the bullet and tore it down. Swapped in the input shaft with good bearings. Played with the old one, it was crunchy. Sealed and put the trans back together then swapped it in to the blue car. It has 5 forward gears! Had to replace LCAs and sway bar bushings. Test drove ok, need to reset the alignment but I'm out of daylight. Time for a victory lap.

    Sent from the bathroom via crapatalk.

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  • Oren09
    Replaced my CV axles. The driver's side ball joint was difficult to put back together but the passenger side one slipped right in...
    I'm so glad the clicking is gone

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  • Christ
    Adjusted the idle screw all the way out, then back in until it was idling at 1k... Now every time I introduce a load or take a load away without any throttle, the engine kicks up to 2k and hangs there awhile, slowly drops back down, and ends up idling like crap.

    Putting new plugs and wires in this week sometime hopefully and gonna clean up the cap and rotor, probably new coil since I have an extra one.

    Anyone with a carby ever run with a straight exhaust and just a muffler? That's what this has, and I know that, in addition to no air cleaner, can lean the engine out a bit, but I don't remember it ever being bad enough to cause a hanging idle or poor low-speed performance (feels like it's flooding and drowning the spark).

    I'm gonna disconnect the accelerator pump lever as well, since there's no need for it the way I normally drive. Hopefully that will help some.

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  • Oren09
    How much for that sun roof?

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  • ericsmith32

    Ok not really just a wise guy at work!

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  • Charlie1717
    Drove from Nashville to Bloomington Illinois to Columbus Indiana and back to Nashville. All in all I drove 1,000 miles this weekend in 105 degree temps with no a/c I think I lost 10 pounds sweating. Can't complain though the festy drove great with good mpg (regardless of my excessive speeding).

    Now she needs a bath!

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  • Christ
    Originally posted by deathrace2000 View Post
    Dual side drafts?
    Nah, but yeah. They're CVK 30's that I'm planning on using, but i have to do some more sober research before I get too involved in it and find out exactly what the entire job entails. It involves a modded cam and boost.

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