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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • Skrapbob
    Installed a remote start kit that my wife bought me for Christmas eight years ago. It was meant for my then, new to me 98 F150. lol

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  • DriverOne
    Re: What have you done to your Festiva today!?

    I did this:

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  • Prafeston
    Installed my "new" smoothies today.

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  • FestivaReed
    installed new outer tie rods, and a new left inner, new 05 honda accord rack bellows, new trans mount and right side engine mount ! ps. rock auto was the way to go for almost everything i work at a shop and i couldnt even get half these parts lol.. just gotta align it and it will feel new (relative term)

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  • scitzz
    I walked up to him, and was like, "Hey man, I see you drive an escort GT!"

    He was first like "Hey, don;t be hating, it is what I have to roll with."

    So I felt bad, and warned him not to leave the keys in it while I was around, and why.

    I feel worse in a way now, the other closer tonight swears he saw it down the road with the rear smashed in The only good news is it might be for sell/hit a local JY soon! The seats, from the little I saw, looked good too!

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  • Oren09
    Nutrition transportation engineer.
    I like that.
    I just call myself an expedited courier.

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  • Advancedynamix
    Fellow nutrition transportation engineer I see. Maybe you can talk him into a Festiva, since he's already got the goods. lol.

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  • neanderpaul
    Oh SON!!

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  • scitzz
    Re: What have you done to your Festiva today!?

    We have a new recruit. Today, I am plotting a BP SWAP, I doubt he knows his danger.


    Call the authorities, Scitzz has escaped the Insane Asylum again!

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  • scitzz
    Originally posted by Tommychu View Post
    Don't call it a blown engine. It's a horsepower opportunity.
    Nawp. Not with hers. I am doing this gratis, all in the name of Festiva Rescue, in the memory of Dean Allan...and cause she is a friend!

    MAN! That 89 auto is a pain in the keister! Then, all the electrical connectors have snapped, or worn down tabs, really tough getting them out without breaking them, found a few wires with lots of little breaks, going to shrink wrap them. Exhaust was a monster, and that starter is ....stupid? I dunno, seems something better than that bracket could have been dreamed up, but that one bolt is kind of tough. This one needed some work breaking them loose.

    I originally figured 8 or nine hours to reseal the donor engine, pull this one, and drop in the donor. I called it quits after 9 hours, with the old engine ready to be pulled, just fuel lines, trans to motor bolts, and the mount left. Yeesh.

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  • Oren09
    I threw a shoe at it!

    No, not really, but thought about it. #3 is frustrating me.

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  • Tommychu

    Don't call it a blown engine. It's a horsepower opportunity.
    Last edited by Tommychu; 11-05-2012, 09:49 PM.

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  • scitzz
    Re: What have you done to your Festiva today!?

    Laurel has a blown engine....


    Call the authorities, Scitzz has escaped the Insane Asylum again!

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  • Damkid
    What have you done to your Festiva today!?

    Unloaded the B3 from the back of my 91' and found that I have a Crank pulley for it, pulled the steel bumper support off to put the cover on it, also realized the belt was off the AC which could be why it wasn't working, also diagnosed It needs a MC, all relatively minor repairs which should be done by the weekend

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  • Oren09
    I had a piece of cardboard on the passenger side blocking the open space and about 3/4 of the radiator. It was slideable to allow uncovering more of the radiator.
    Never had any overheat issues, though. Even in our mild winters.

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