This past Sunday big block n I swapped out my speedo cable n cluster. So now I don't have to rely on my garmen for a speedo. Yesterday I got my new tires installed. Hopefully my kybs show up soon so I can install them this weekend. Plus reinstall the interior panels after patching the holes in the floor.
that's not a stock festy cable in your car... maybe from a protege or aspire?
Possibly Aspire. I forgot the engine/5 speed in "red" was from the Aspire. So discount that from memory, I'm sure I'm probably the only "lucky" guy with a 2 pc cable. LOL
Changed oil and filter. Installed new rear tranny mount. from Daves discount parts
on line, a great place, pulled apart rack and serviced. Replaced strut and set
front end the way it will remain.
Should I order red hydraulic plastic hose spiral wrap to put on the coil over??
I think it would look cool.
The front is where I want it, Makes my 13 snows look like kart tires!
should I raise the back more? the car looks level but ? It kinda looked
alright before higher in the back. Should I move the tires toward the back
in the rear?? The front tires are moved to the front about 1/2 inch and the
front is 2 inches wider...maybe I should get 1 inch spacers for the rear?
Removed the bumper cover & preped everything for painting. Washed cover, cleaned with Acetone. Cleaned metal underbumper with steel wool( a little rust), wiped with Acetone, & painted with Rustolem "Rust Reformer", will paint with Black rustolem beform re-assembley. Thinkin' about replacing horn with something with a liitle more power/volume. What a pain gettin' all those plastic screws7 fasteners off!! I think I invented some new names for them. Hope to get it all back togeather tomarrow!
Ok so I havent done anything to my festy today, but I did do something for myself...
Picked up a licensed 93 awd tx3 turbo ford laser.
needs a bit of tlc and may get her own thread soon.
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