It's literally just the stitching. I have one that looks really sketch. I'm ready to buy all brand-new belts. I can't get anybody locally to stitch them properly. It's a liability issue.
I do mean the radiator support. The part that supports the headlights is bent in on both sides. Even the headlight that didn't break is bent.
And yes, the seatbelt stitching broke. I woke up with a nice black eye today.
I don't have a welder and I have no experience with body work. This shall be fun.
Jeez you slaughtered that trailer hitch stuff. Good luck figuring out what
a Festiva subframe and upper core support should look like,
I would just bolt in new.
Hope parts from east coast arrive today, a rear transmission mount.
Stock B3 5sp.
The cross member is under the car and holds the engine and trans. Just FYI, when I got whacked in my car I just used a hammer to get out what I could. I had to cut the support in the center out then straightened the headlight bucket to the best I could. I used a new fender and hood to figure out where the pieces needed to be then welded the center part back in. The piece that holds the hood latch is very flimsy mine was cracked mostly from the accident and would have broke if I tried straitening it. You did work on that chevy bumper. Lots of test fitting.
The metal of the support is being bound up, so once you start pulling it out it will want to take original shape with a little tweaking.
Last edited by Flyin4stroke; 04-04-2012, 09:38 AM.
I took Icetiva to a frame shop to get the twist and sway installed by a barrel roll pulled out of her. But they said no way, might as well reinstall the missing headlights and then shoot her between them. Another shell bites the dust!:cry_smile:
Need passenger headlight, driver's marker light, driver's turn signal, and hood.
Driver's fender has some damage but I don't know if I'll replaced it or not.
The crossmember is bent pretty bad but radiator is not damaged.
I have a spare grille.
i looked out the window to make sure no one stalked me 15 miles from civilization, down 3 miles of rough gravel roads, to a shack in the boonies to steal it. With a classic(almost) piece of machinery like i have you can never be to sure. It was still their though.
Also waiting on my ac stuff to come in so i can cobble something together before it really gets hot down here.
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