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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • Gomez
    Replaced both inner tie rod ends and passenger outer end.
    Rotated good tires to front.
    Put good tires on front rims and put back onto rear.
    Adjusted rear view mirror 2* to the right. lol
    Get front end aligned tomorrow morning.

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  • Oren09
    Oh, that's cool!
    I've been thinking about tint and wondering how much it would cost to have a shop install good tint. I want it perfect and the good stuff that won't bubble or turn purple, so I'll just take it to a pro.

    Today I:
    Replaced dizzy cap and rotor, plug wires, fuel filter, air filter, O2 sensor.
    Installed cargo light. I just created a ground wire and use the built in switch for on/off. I'll install a pin switch later or a switching latch if I find one.

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  • lesterm
    The tint was FREE. My neighbor provided it and the help. Its 5%. I like the look but to be honest its to dark and will probably remove it and replace it with 15%.

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  • navdoc101
    Clear Corners

    Here they are. Sorry about blank above. I can't remove.

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  • jrwitten
    I drove it past 5 gas stations haha.....

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  • Oren09
    Originally posted by lesterm View Post
    As previously stated the widows were tinted the other day. Today me and my neighbor were bored so we added a deck stripe. Its only temporary . We plan to paint the top half of the car this summer , maybe burnt orange with a black stripe????
    How much was the tint?
    What percent is it?

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  • kartracer46
    Set the valve lash on my 88L.

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  • lesterm
    As previously stated the widows were tinted the other day. Today me and my neighbor were bored so we added a deck stripe. Its only temporary . We plan to paint the top half of the car this summer , maybe burnt orange with a black stripe????

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  • 1990new
    My four new Yokohama 12" tires arrived via UPS from Tire Team today.
    Only problem is they had my house number as 672 instead of 572 so
    they delivered them to a house a block away. Luck for me, my phone number
    was on the label.

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  • 200KGPGTP
    Originally posted by fastivaca View Post
    Found some new (to me) wheels to put on the car when the Aspire swap is complete and I can afford some new tires. Similar to this one except mine are not polished and are just a silver color.

    They're 13x5 INTRA wheels made for Toyota. The tires that came with them are shot so I will replace them some 185-60-13 Sumitomos. I'll wear out the Falken 175-60-13s that are currently on the Aspire steelies first though and then switch to the "new" shoes!
    LOVE!!!! Those are the only aftermarket festy wheels that I've seen that I like!

    As for my Festy..... When I got it, you could turn the steering wheel almost 90* at any speed and nothing would happen. In the last two weeks, I've spent several hundred dollars on the following;

    -inner driver side tie rod end
    -outer pass side tie rod end
    -both control arms/ball joints
    -new tires
    -Aligned twice

    NO more play in the steering! No more shaking! It's not scary to drive on the highway anymore!!

    New short term goals;

    -overhaul pretty much everything brake related.(parking brake snapped in two different places, back brakes don't do much at all, fluid is black as night, front rotors are TRASHED, etc etc.)

    -new catalytic converter.(Mine isn't clogged, but it's rusted completely through in several spots

    -Crankshaft oil seal.(starting to leak A LOTTTTTTTTT, and I think that's the only oil leak left

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  • ENEMY_
    I need a new drivers side headlight, the rust inside kills me

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  • ENEMY_

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  • navdoc101
    Clear corners

    Just got my new Clear corners in, & installed them. They are PERFECT & BEAUTIFUL! Thanks David88!!! Gonna go wash & wax 'Tiva now, Then show her off!!! :happy2::love7::thumbup:

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  • Gomez
    Originally posted by lesterm View Post
    Im in Greenville ,SC. The first pic is of the car just after I bought it. The second is how it looks now. The black paint on the bottom is actually implement paint from Tractor supply.
    wow, funny how exact the paint looks in the pic. thanks

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  • SuperDaveGulvak
    Dropped it off at the shop after vomiting MASS amounts of brake fluid on way to work last night & limping it home this morning

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