Replaced the front bumper on Squig today. The red one had bondo chipping off, so instead of fixing, I thought it would be easier to place the bumper with one from the JY.
Here are a few pics, enjoy.
Went out and broke loose the rear axle bolts on the driver's side while I checked the wheel bearings. Had to use a half inch breaker bar with about a 3-4 foot cheater bar to break loose the larger of the 3 bracket bolts.
But yeah when I was on my way to Cincinnati yesterday I noticed about halfway there what sounded like a motorcycle or a car with a leaking exhaust was somewhere around me, but when I turned down my radio and it had been going on for a while, I then realized it was my rear wheel. So I jacked up the rear today and found the driver's side rear wheel had freeplay, tightened up the spindle nut a bit to get rid of the freeplay, but still allow it to spin relatively well until I can swap the axle out for an Aspire one. No sense changing bearings. lol
Last edited by TorqueEffect; 10-17-2014, 01:21 PM.
Changed out he rear bumper yesterday on Squig festy. bumper was rusted out on the inside and someone had bond ode the outside of the bumpers and was pealing off. I also made gaskets for the rear tail lights & replaced the ribbed with smoothies.
Ok whoever on here said that the Aspire intake tube fits a Festiva is a liar. The VAF hole is far too big for the Aspire tube, but the other end fit just fine.
Unless post-OBD2 ones have a different intake tube, then that would explain it because this is off a 97 Aspire.
Torque, I disagree with your comment. My 90 has an Aspire intake tube on it. Due to the angle of the bend on the Aspire tube, I used the upper portion from the Aspire and the lower portion from the Festiva. it fits fine. On both the Aspire and Festiva tubes, there was a section that was joined and that's where I separated them. I then used the lower section (Vaf) from the Festiva and the upper part (intake) from the Aspire and joined them together.
I'll have to get a picture then, but this one from a 97 Aspire Manual was just 1 piece, there is no sections like the Festiva one.w
Also I am not going to go back for the rear beam. Why pay $70 for one with no drums, or bearings, when I found one on for $50 loaded, I will just have to make sure I get the ebrake cable with it.
[QUOTE=TorqueEffect;670511]Ok whoever on here said that the Aspire intake tube fits a Festiva is a liar. The VAF hole is far too big for the Aspire tube, but the other end fit just fine.
Unless post-OBD2 ones have a different intake tube, then that would explain it because this is off a 97 Aspire.
Torque, I disagree with your comment. My 90 has an Aspire intake tube on it. Due to the angle of the bend on the Aspire tube, I used the upper portion from the Aspire and the lower portion from the Festiva. it fits fine. On both the Aspire and Festiva tubes, there was a section that was joined and that's where I separated them. I then used the lower section (Vaf) from the Festiva and the upper part (intake) from the Aspire and joined them together.
Is there anyway to get the brake cable out without removing the back seat? One of the rear seat bolts had rounded off so I can't get the seat out to be able to pull up the carpet.
If not I will take some drastic measure with a pair of scissors and cut the carpet.
Sucks though that right when I got there someone had just taken off with one of the brake drums, so I have to buy a new pair and some bearings before I can put the beam on my Festy. Hope no one takes off with the axle before I can get back there and take it.
I was surprised that the strut bolts came out with no fighting at all, hell the driver's side one look like it was recently changed, but the passenger side hadn't. Also there were two different sized heads on the bolts between sides lol. All the bolts came out with no fighting actually. Though I hope they come out easy on mine. If they won't come out I will just run the tank almost empty and move the tank over to just put the axle on the stock brackets by only removing the pivot bolt.
Ok whoever on here said that the Aspire intake tube fits a Festiva is a liar. The VAF hole is far too big for the Aspire tube, but the other end fit just fine.
Unless post-OBD2 ones have a different intake tube, then that would explain it because this is off a 97 Aspire.
So po'd, ran out of time at the junkyard, had the Aspire beam all disconnected, except I couldn't figure out how to undo the e-brake cable, and before I could figure it out, they closed the yard and I had to leave.
I did snag a Aspire Chilton manual from inside the car, was a bit wet but still in good shape. Chilton >>> Haynes
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