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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • Aaronbrook37

    Today, I cleaned and prepared all of the components, fasteners, and fittings for the hybrid VJ11/VF10 turbocharger I'm building. It features re-threaded fasteners, wire-wheeled cooling/lubrication fittings, and a hand-polished compressor housing. One more trip to the parts store and she'll be ready for final assembly, clocking, and installation.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Accident pictures. Very minor damage. Only 1 of the clip mounts on the grille were broken, so I was able to pop it right back on.

    Last edited by TorqueEffect; 07-15-2014, 08:06 PM.

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  • bravekozak
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Is there such thing as overtightening a/c lines? I don't want to break the new o-rings, but I don't want the lines to come loose and cause a leak.
    According to the video in Post #7973, Yes. Don't overtighten.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Got into a accident.

    Some jerkoff decided to stop for whatever reason, causing a chain reaction accident involving 5 cars, that includes mine. (Me being the last in the chain)

    Now I am responsible for the person I hit because I "failed to follow at a safe distance" Yeah, tell me how many people actually can do that in rush hour traffic.

    Our traffic laws are so damned screwed up, I personally think the person who caused the chain reaction should be 100% liable. But no in this damn country, if you hit anyone in the rear, it is automatically your fault, and are financially responsible for that damage. =/ This damned law screwed over my father once before, when some lady trying to commit insurance fraud on my dad purposely backed into him at a stop light, my father was given a ticket and had to take his driving test again.

    Also $#@% all this damned road work.

    Also I am perfectly fine, so was everyone but the douche in the Camaro who seemed to start pretending to limp as soon as the ambulance showed up. I think he just wanted to get out of talking to the cops.

    Picture of car at the accident later.

    Cop was nice enough not to give me a ticket for "failure to follow at safe distance" I guess that is a plus.
    Last edited by TorqueEffect; 07-15-2014, 06:57 PM.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Went ahead and ordered another accumulator and drier ($50 shipped, Ouch, but it is the ONLY one I can find that is the proper one).

    Also went ahead and ordered the re-charge kit from Enviro-safe, about $45 shipped
    3 cans of Refrigerant with Dye (equivalent to 46.8 oz of R134a or 54 oz. of R12)
    1 can of Oil Charge
    1 can of Stop Leak
    1 Hi/Low Side Fitting
    1 System Tag
    1 Small Gauge Set
    1 pocket thermometer

    Once I get the a/c pulley bolted to the crank pulley I will be measuring for the proper length belt. Also will be looking into cleaning the evaporator a bit better, and adding a cabin filter.

    Also a question.

    Is there such thing as overtightening a/c lines? I don't want to break the new o-rings, but I don't want the lines to come loose and cause a leak.
    Last edited by TorqueEffect; 07-14-2014, 08:12 PM.

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  • bravekozak
    Do you think I paid too much for this single stage vacuum pump?
    I may have been a little too excited after watching:

    How to recharge an A/C system

    How to find and repair A/C leaks

    I can't wait to suck it out and R-12 charge it.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 07-12-2014, 06:11 PM.

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  • 1990new
    Originally posted by drddan View Post
    ^ Got the alignment done! They were able to get it all in spec, after the camber bolt install!!! Yea! :mrgreen:
    Like to hear good news....That should fix your tire wear problem.

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  • drddan
    ^ Got the alignment done! They were able to get it all in spec, after the camber bolt install!!! Yea! :mrgreen:
    Last edited by drddan; 07-12-2014, 03:45 PM.

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  • drddan
    Installed Camber bolts on Red Car's struts today. Since it is raised with Aspire struts, the camber was off, and wearing badly on the front tires

    Now it looks like the toe is out of whack. Have an appointment for an alignment at 2:00. I have new front tires. Don't want to wear them badly, too!
    Last edited by drddan; 07-12-2014, 12:34 PM.

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  • jawja jim
    It was actually yesterday, but Blue92 got a new tinted windshield with the darker tint stripe across the top($189 installed which I felt was reasonable) and now stands ready to get all the tinted glass from my 89 LX. The "new" 92 GL (christened "Blanca" by my daughter) got a new muffler.
    Last edited by jawja jim; 07-12-2014, 07:33 AM.

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  • bravekozak
    Tuned both carbs for highest vacuum. Only got 20 with stock exhaust manifold, catalytic converter and stock muffler system. Took the Festiva for a "cruise" down the highway. Perfect install. No foot on the gas pedal. Speed control worked flawlessly. Alignment resulted in a smooth ride.

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  • 1990new
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Aww screw that. I will just use this one till it fails, if it fails.

    I am not paying $250 for a rebuilt compressor when the entire system cost me $140.
    No harm in trying..... It may work for a while. At lest take it off and drain all the old oil you can out of it and refill with ester or pag oil.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Aww screw that. I will just use this one till it fails, if it fails.

    I am not paying $250 for a rebuilt compressor when the entire system cost me $140.

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  • 1990new
    According to my research, you should never attempt to flush the compressor. Since it was left open for a while, there is no doubt that dirt and moisture has gotten inside.
    So I don't think you will be able to use that compressor again without having it rebuilt.
    If anyone has had success with cleaning up the inside of a compressor, I would sure like to hear about their experience.
    If I were you, I would get a rebuilt compressor, new expansion valve, and accumulator dryer. While you have the evaporator box out to replace the expansion valve
    you can clean it up real good. I had dreaded removing the box but just discovered that it is really pretty simple to do.

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  • defprun
    Started my BP...cant wait to get everything hooked up so I can go for a rip

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