Bought a paper cone filter at Advance yesterday. The Teenager behind the counter was drooling at all the things that have been done to my car. I do have hope for him though. He was impressed at Shadetree's engine swap work he mostly liked the idea of the brake swapping that can be done on these cars. His boss even let him come out to look at it for about 10 minutes. The boss drives a Miata so he kinda understood. lol
Cleaned most of the trash out. Finally took out the parts I wasn't using that I brought to, or brought back from Ohiostiva out of the hatch and back seat.
Put in my freshly painted black cargo cover.
Painted a few more dash trim pieces red.
Last edited by TorqueEffect; 07-02-2014, 08:57 PM.
My mazdaspeed didnt show any difference between windows up or windows down...but either way if I turn the a/c on my mpg drops 5mpg and the car feels laggy.
Eh I can deal with a 5 MPG loss, I mean 35MPG is still damned good IMHO. lol
When I drive Autozones delivery vans, the A/C is on all the time. I honestly don't feel a bit of difference in power in any of the vans while the a/c is on.
I do know the a/c does work better in the Chevy vans though, while the E-150 makes it nice and cool, it doesn't have the capability of freezing you out like in the Chevy vans. I guess Ford thought it was a good idea to bolt a tiny condenser that is probably half the size of one that is on a Festy, directly to the radiator. Just goes to show how outdated the E-150s are, which thankfully are going the way of the dodo in favor of the European Transit.
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