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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • scitzz
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post

    I mean any tips on where to find rubber caps or something to block off the iac ports on the intake?
    the spectre junk at the McParts store might work.

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  • Pu241
    Installed new KYB dampers in the back!
    Wish I had time to do the fronts!
    Road trip on Friday!

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  • defprun
    Bolt and a hose clamp or vaccuum cap and hose clamp maybe?

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  • TorqueEffect
    Originally posted by scitzz View Post
    I have a ton of fun with my second gen B6! Did you change the VAF and the ECU to match? I may have asked you this before...
    Yep, VAF and ECU.

    Originally posted by defprun View Post
    I had to keep my iac wired otherwise my engine would not run
    I mean any tips on where to find rubber caps or something to block off the iac ports on the intake?
    Last edited by TorqueEffect; 06-24-2014, 08:38 PM.

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  • scitzz
    I have a ton of fun with my second gen B6! Did you change the VAF and the ECU to match? I may have asked you this before...

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  • defprun
    I had to keep my iac wired otherwise my engine would not run

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  • TorqueEffect
    Originally posted by william View Post
    Idle problem with the air mix screw almost bottomed out sounds like my car. I fixed it a few weeks back by disconnecting the iac. Try clamping off the hose that comes off the intake.
    Let us know if that fixes it.
    My iac wasn't fully closing making for a bubbly idle. And higher the should be idle
    I'll have to look into the IAC some more. Any tips for blocking off the holes the IAC leaves?

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  • defprun
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    B3 was in decent shape, around 140k miles, a bit of a leaky rear main, didn't burn oil (well it did, but didn't after the valve stem seals were changed), other than a bit of bottom end noise it was good, just very lacking in the power. I tried almost everything to try and get more power out of it, new air filter, fuel filter, tune-up, timing adjustments, checking for vacuum leaks. It just felt like I had to almost floor the pedal and drop it into a lower gear and thrash it to 4-5k rpms to get up to speed on the highway in a decent span of time, and didn't feel like I had any passing power at all.

    Now I didn't exactly get the jump in power that I was expecting when going to a B6, but I can definitely accelerate up to speed along with more modern cars quicker than before, and actually have some passing power. But I still feel that the power is lacking. Is there anything that could be holding the power back? Weak coil? Any of those other little gizmos on that strut tower?

    I never driven any other Festiva so I have NOTHING to compare it to, so I don't know if it is just normal, or if there is something going wrong. Now I will admit though that I still am having idle issues with the B6, the mix screw still being nearly bottomed out and still idling at a hair under 1k rpms. I can't seem to time the engine properly either, I just set the timing where it sound like it ran the best, made sure I couldn't hear any obvious knocking, and that is where I get the most power, but I don't know, maybe I am overestimating a engine that is around the same age as me, and was only 80 horsepower stock.

    I want a B8 or BP. lol
    Thats why Im going b3 was mint ran better than the aspire it came out of but a small motor seamingly "losing steam" at "high" rpm just pissed me off lol

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  • william
    Idle problem with the air mix screw almost bottomed out sounds like my car. I fixed it a few weeks back by disconnecting the iac. Try clamping off the hose that comes off the intake.
    Let us know if that fixes it.
    My iac wasn't fully closing making for a bubbly idle. And higher the should be idle

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  • TorqueEffect
    Originally posted by Pu241 View Post
    See below
    B3 was in decent shape, around 140k miles, a bit of a leaky rear main, didn't burn oil (well it did, but didn't after the valve stem seals were changed), other than a bit of bottom end noise it was good, just very lacking in the power. I tried almost everything to try and get more power out of it, new air filter, fuel filter, tune-up, timing adjustments, checking for vacuum leaks. It just felt like I had to almost floor the pedal and drop it into a lower gear and thrash it to 4-5k rpms to get up to speed on the highway in a decent span of time, and didn't feel like I had any passing power at all.

    Now I didn't exactly get the jump in power that I was expecting when going to a B6, but I can definitely accelerate up to speed along with more modern cars quicker than before, and actually have some passing power. But I still feel that the power is lacking. Is there anything that could be holding the power back? Weak coil? Any of those other little gizmos on that strut tower?

    I never driven any other Festiva so I have NOTHING to compare it to, so I don't know if it is just normal, or if there is something going wrong. Now I will admit though that I still am having idle issues with the B6, the mix screw still being nearly bottomed out and still idling at a hair under 1k rpms. I can't seem to time the engine properly either, I just set the timing where it sound like it ran the best, made sure I couldn't hear any obvious knocking, and that is where I get the most power, but I don't know, maybe I am overestimating a engine that is around the same age as me, and was only 80 horsepower stock.

    I want a B8 or BP. lol
    Last edited by TorqueEffect; 06-24-2014, 07:13 PM.

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  • Pu241
    Originally posted by defprun View Post
    Dont need to thrash to get up to speed however if you drive something a bit quicker or torquier as a second vehicle it definately feels like you are thrashing it lol
    Agreed compared to the BP, it's true you have to let it rev a bit more but wouldn't call it "thrashing".

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  • defprun
    Dont need to thrash to get up to speed however if you drive something a bit quicker or torquier as a second vehicle it definately feels like you are thrashing it lol
    Last edited by defprun; 06-24-2014, 06:40 PM.

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  • Pu241
    See below
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Filled it up. 38.19 MPG mixed highway and city. Whoever thinks the B6 doesn't get the same gas mileage as the B3 is wrong.

    I guess I'm wrong

    I am actually getting better gas mileage than when I had the B3 in there.
    And what kind of shape was your B3 in before the swap?

    So why didn't Ford/Mazda put the B6 in there in the first place? Or at least just in the higher trimmed LXs and GLs or a Sport model. Would have cost like $0 more because it is just a bored out B3 anyway.
    So the intake, exhaust, head, and injectors are all identical to a B3?

    I just think the B3 has to be really thrashed to get up to speed fast enough these days without holding up traffic, causing you to use more gas than with a B6 where you have that extra power and don't need to trash it that much so you actually save gas.
    Think your just justifying your first statement which I disagree with. Never noticed the need to "thrash" my B3 to get up to highway speed. I will assert a B3 will get better MPG under nearly all driving conditions vs a B6. Actually would like to have a B1.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Filled it up. 38.19 MPG mixed highway and city. Whoever thinks the B6 doesn't get the same gas mileage as the B3 is wrong.

    I am actually getting better gas mileage than when I had the B3 in there.

    So why didn't Ford/Mazda put the B6 in there in the first place? Or at least just in the higher trimmed LXs and GLs or a Sport model. Would have cost like $0 more because it is just a bored out B3 anyway.

    I just think the B3 has to be really thrashed to get up to speed fast enough these days without holding up traffic, causing you to use more gas than with a B6 where you have that extra power and don't need to trash it that much so you actually save gas.
    Last edited by TorqueEffect; 06-24-2014, 05:13 PM.

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  • scitzz
    A Festiva adventure isn't complete without a trip to BO's...spill a little sweet tea for your homies...

    Running around outside the asylum again with my tappy talky appy

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