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What have you done to your Festiva today!?
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Ive locked myself out plenty of times. I just pull up the weather stripping on the passenger side and use my index finger to push up on the lock.
You don't have to "grab" it. I've used a flattened drinking straw I found in the parking lot at work when I came out the next morning and had locked mine inside. You just have to push it down.
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Indeed. And we didnt have anything to grab the latch with and i was getting desperate. My wife ended up finding a spare key i forgot we had deep in a junk drawer.
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I presume you had the glass rolled down when you bent it.
The Festiva uses simple lock rods. It is very easy to open without using a crowbar at the top of the door. I will make a post explaining the door latch operation.
I also recommend using Magic Eraser on the gray TPO (thermo plastic olefin) bumpers.Last edited by bravekozak; 06-27-2014, 05:32 AM.
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Washed the festiva, fixed the driver side door leak, and bought paint for the bumpers. Door was bowed out on the top back due to locking my keys in and trying to use a crowbar to get in. Just opened the door, put my knee below the window opening, and pulled some. Now it doesnt fill the seat with water when i wash it. Plan on doing the bumpers saturday.
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Yesterday I installed the power mirrors that I bought from fstamand on Nellie (my 90 Yellow LPlus).
fstamand sent them from Quebec to brave and brave sent them from Lewiston to me (Thanks very much!).
I cleaned them up really good and them painted them with duplicolor satin black trim paint. They look and work great.
No more reaching across and rolling down the window to adjust the passenger wife especially appreciated this mod.
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My Festiva had a broken windshield when I bought it.
My Festiva will only carry third party liability. The car and all the parts on it belong to me 100%. I got a windshield just down the street from the junkyard at an auto glass shop. He had an original PPG Festiva windshield that he was glad to finally get rid of for $75. I installed it myself. More importantly, my son saw how easy it was to install your own windshield on your own driveway. That kesson is worth a million bucks.
Phone around. Someone's got one on their rack taking up space, but they are too busy to throw it out.Last edited by bravekozak; 06-26-2014, 05:28 AM.
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Today, had a brand new front windshield installed on my daughter's 91L. Looked for a good used one in a JY nearby but no luck.
FYI, cost was right about $210. Paid for it all out of pocket since I didn't own the car when the break / crack occured. Bummer. Need to do the same thing for a 93L I just bought. Sigh....Last edited by Twistiva; 06-25-2014, 10:41 PM.
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Originally posted by TorqueEffect View PostDo you really need to have the trailing arm to body brackets from the Aspire to install the Aspire rear end? Because I would bet those bolts would be an absolute nightmare to undo, and if they break or strip out, you are absolutely $#@$ed. So I would prefer just to keep the festy ones on.
If you break a bolt ,use one from the Festy.
They are the same
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Originally posted by TorqueEffect View PostDo you really need to have the trailing arm to body brackets from the Aspire to install the Aspire rear end? Because I would bet those bolts would be an absolute nightmare to undo, and if they break or strip out, you are absolutely $#@$ed. So I would prefer just to keep the festy ones on.
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Do you really need to have the trailing arm to body brackets from the Aspire to install the Aspire rear end? Because I would bet those bolts would be an absolute nightmare to undo, and if they break or strip out, you are absolutely $#@$ed. So I would prefer just to keep the festy ones on.
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Probably the rubber is too old to use.
Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
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I discovered that the hard way. I bought a set of original Festiva wiper blades and realized that I could not install them. Package unopened. I will have to list them for sale.
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Bought / installed new wipers on the new 93L.....part # Bosch 40718A. Old ones that came with the car were horrible. Streaked water like crazy. Definitely past time to put new ones one.
Also tightened up the driver's side wiper arm so it doesn't wobble. One of the first times I used my shop manual to find info to fix something!
BTW, I did not realize until yesterday that the wiper arms on '88 Festys are different than '89-93s. '88s use a pin built into the end of the arm and the '89-93s use a "U"-shaped arm end.Last edited by Twistiva; 06-25-2014, 12:33 AM.
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