Can't really tell in this pic, but I got the white turd and all 3 other spots cleared. Finally. Lots of muscle and back ache involved, but I got it done and wouldn't you know it the landlord knocked $120 off January's rent. Whoot!
today I pulled my plugs and number one and number 4 really white and all of them were covered in deposits really bad. I used a heavy dose of techron a few weeks ago on half tank of and that's probably it I hope. otherwise she is probably burning a lot of oil and needs an engine swap
When you're plug gap is bridged together with black goo, that's when I'd get concerned. I drove 80k like that. Picking /sand blasting plugs every 3 months was wayyyyyy more convenient......
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today I pulled my plugs and number one and number 4 really white and all of them were covered in deposits really bad. I used a heavy dose of techron a few weeks ago on half tank of and that's probably it I hope. otherwise she is probably burning a lot of oil and needs an engine swap
Larry, same thing happened to my tranny awhile back. Lost 4th, so I skipped it for awhile. Then it started popping out of 5th at speeds over like 40. Had to limp it home in 3rd gear on my trip to northern MO to pick up a new Tranny!
I must really suck at wrenching. A couple weeks back my trans started slipping out of 4th on its own, eventually wouldn't even go into 4th, no biggie I'll just wind out 3rd and go to 5th. Then Saturday afternoon it starts falling out of third, by evening I had to hold it in 5th and 3rd would fall out on its on after coming off a load.
I started by pulling the blue car around on Sunday to get its tranny out. The timing tensioner mount is screwed so I figured I'd pull the motor and tranny together. Got them out and seperated and the car put back in its spot Monday evening. Took off from work Monday and again Tuesday to finish car but was sick in the morning and didn't start until 1pm, didnt get trans pulled until last night and it needed output seals.
Got them last night and just came in from the test drive. Got 5 gears again and about 24 hours in that, I'm beat.
My Festiva sprung a huge leak at the water pump over an hour from home.
Basically I was bringing a friend his tools so he can change a thermostat, since I was halfway to the junkyard from his place, I figured I would check up on the 94' Sentra they had at upullandpay, and get the wiper arms. Well it turns out the car was nowhere to be found, and even looked in the exact row it was supposed to be in, I only found 1 Sentra in the whole yard, and is was a 98, yet their website which updates frequently said they had like 6 or 7. But all I found was Altima after Altima, and some Maximas. They also said they had a early 90s Bseries pickup, Nope, I found a 98' and 00' B Series.
Someone is obviously goofing up the site because I never had that happen, because when it said there was a Festiva or Aspire, there was one right where they said it was.
So after that bust I walked out, and immediately saw a puddle of coolant underneath the car, I thought it was just the heater core hoses again so I started it up to verify, then coolant was almost pouring out of the front of the engine. Then I was pretty much screwed from there.
My water pump has been making lots of noise lately. Ever since I bought the car I always believed the metal chirping sound was the waterpump bearing, and recently when it got very cold it would squeal when the revs were low. Then I started hearing what was almost like grinding, or like dragging a cardboard box coming from the engine, but again only on really cold starts.
Also next chance I get, I am throwing my old stock struts back on, because I actually looked at the wheels from a distance, and they look all janky, positive camber, and toe out. The inner part of my tires I bought practically brand new from the junkyard a few months back, are already down to the wear bars on the inside.
Last edited by TorqueEffect; 12-19-2013, 09:32 PM.
Merry Christmas franken. Toronto has two rounds of freezing rain on the way. Time to dig out my skates. Like I said before. My Festiva is in a huge barn, under a cover, on a farm in Milton. She can stay there until warmer weather comes and I feel like installing my carb electric fuel pump safety relay.
Oh, and its funny, snow removal is part of our lease agreement. I didn't realize (sarcastically) that it mean I had to remove the snow. Lol. We've complained to no avail. But this stuff and a shovel will have me sore for days.
I still haven't put a dent in getting the festy out. I shovel, the plows come push it back behind me and the sky keeps dumping it. So you could say this is what I'm doing FOR my festiva Lol.
The last photo was completely shoveled Sunday when we got 19". The sky replaced that and said a big F U to me today.
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