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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • defprun
    Im sorry I spammed your phone lol

    Sent from the trash can.

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  • Damkid
    Took some measurements under the hood, gotta plan out some custom engine parts :lol:

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  • defprun
    Fabbed my front motor mount and installed I still need to fill all the fluids before I can start the stupid thing.

    Sent from the trash can.

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  • fastivaca
    Oil change done and winter tires installed!

    Sent from somewhere west of here via Tapatalk!

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  • TorqueEffect
    Fixed the exhaust leak, but it will soon get a more permanent fix. But this is the quietest the car has been since I bought it, I can't even really hear an exhaust leak anymore over the engine, so everything seems to be well sorted.

    Also spun the strut top-hat around on the passenger side, now both sides sit level.

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  • Prafeston
    Originally posted by iriegnome View Post
    Put the new Passenger side mirror on. Got the washer motor in the mail and will change it on Saturday
    Did you end up getting it from someone else?

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  • iriegnome
    Put the new Passenger side mirror on. Got the washer motor in the mail and will change it on Saturday

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  • bravekozak
    I use metric nyloc nuts on the shifter bolts. Too much continuous movement to chance a nut falling off in the snow.

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  • Team Lightning
    Today I got the right CV axle changed and the front end aligned. ($100.00 total). I also found the shifter bolt loose on the shifter end of the linkage. After tightening it up, no more sloppy shifter. Plus got the front end aligned on my Dakota and the oil changed.

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  • navdoc101
    Installed studs & lug nuts on my Aspire front suspension swap.

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  • getnpsi
    Today I cut metric threads into a hurst ball I had lying around and stuck it on my civic shifter. I also cut my rio springs I think two coils...

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  • defprun
    Spaced my subframe so the motor would sit flat in the engine bay with the aspire mounts. Still have to fab a front mount. Installed the passenger side axle and the shifter linkage as well..

    Sent from the trash can.
    Last edited by defprun; 11-06-2013, 05:03 PM.

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  • frankenfester
    Originally posted by Maikel View Post

    I trying to use search to find instructions for those spacers. I looked Mazda EPC, there are 21 different spacers, they start from 6,285mm and goes to 7,085mm wide. Could they be same in left and right?
    From what I know from doing my bearings peridocially, they should be stamped with a number. Both my driver and passenger sides have a tiny 11 stamped on them. As far as I know that means they are the same. I don't have a micrometre so I couldn't tell you for sure if they measure the same.
    You can always take the passenger side spacer in to a kia dealer and tell them you need a "Rio hub preload spacer" that matches the one you brought them exactly. That's probably your best bet.
    On mine I believe they are exactly the same. But they are spindle-specific. Not knuckle-specific. I've had all kinds of hub knuckles with these spindles and spacers, and they work just fine.


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  • Maikel
    Originally posted by getnpsi View Post
    I am so scared of all of the bearing horror stories that might as well do aspire swap at any sign of trouble
    Just thinking that, expect I live in Finland. We don't have Aspire, or Rio here. :cry_smile: Thinking that could 121 DB brake parts work as same as Aspire/Rio stuff?

    Originally posted by frankenfester
    I had this exact problem, except I was driving along and the wheel locked up.
    Took me months to come across one of those spacers. However I was able to grab a spindle that had one at the junkyard.
    Make sure you don't just throw one on the spindle that's in there. They're spindle specific. So if you can't find a spindle and spacer pair, you'll need to go to the kia dealer and ask them to do a preload test on that wheel. I think its like $135 per bearing, but they do all the work and put a spindle in that fits exact.
    I know the heartache, godspeed on finding one.

    I trying to use search to find instructions for those spacers. I looked Mazda EPC, there are 21 different spacers, they start from 6,285mm and goes to 7,085mm wide. Could they be same in left and right?

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  • frankenfester
    Originally posted by Maikel View Post
    Yesterday front left wheel bearing came to it's end. Rapid destruction, I drove few kilometres and it started to make noise, the stopped, because noise came much louder and also something started chaffing..

    Today we towed my 121 to my work, got new bearing. After work changed it. The inner bearing was totally shot..

    And now I'm little bit worried how long it will last, 'cos noticed that the spacer from the middle is missing...
    I had this exact problem, except I was driving along and the wheel locked up.
    Took me months to come across one of those spacers. However I was able to grab a spindle that had one at the junkyard.
    Make sure you don't just throw one on the spindle that's in there. They're spindle specific. So if you can't find a spindle and spacer pair, you'll need to go to the kia dealer and ask them to do a preload test on that wheel. I think its like $135 per bearing, but they do all the work and put a spindle in that fits exact.
    I know the heartache, godspeed on finding one.


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