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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • FestivaReed
    my project today is installing a set of acura 3.2tl HIDs in a stock housing, pics to follow !

    the goal is to have a nice set of lights that are not blinding to oncoming traffic and have a clean light spread
    Last edited by FestivaReed; 03-22-2012, 06:51 PM.

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  • htchbck
    Got my clutch from zoom-zoom today! Can't wait to get everything put together and back in FestEvil, hoping for that tasty 40mpg

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  • htchbck
    Lol Green Car hasn't had a fill-up over 5.5 gallons since we got her. For some reason when she gets down past half a tank she starts choking and coughing, need to pull the fuel pump someday and see whats up, but as long as we fill up before half tank she does fine. Last fill-up was 34.3, no bad for an auto running around in the mountains with Mel's lead foot on the pedal lol and thats without correcting for the 155/80R13 tires. Now Festevil getting right at 30, thats a problem, even for a 4 speed on 155/80R13s running pizza. Thats why he's sitting in the driveway with no motor right now lol My clutch is going to be here today, so hopefully it won't rain too much tomorrow

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  • Darlo
    Originally posted by Pu241 View Post
    No, but I will admit to "white nuckling" the last 10 miles and when I got out of the car I had to breath out so I could remove the seat cover from my posterior!:p

    Seriously, interesting stat between your fuelly and mine (or at least your former fuelly stat) is the miles per refuel. I'm over 400 and you were 330+ miles.
    There is a simple reason for that.......My commute is 110 miles each day, and gas is $5.409/gallon in Vancouver, and only $4.099/gallon in sumas, WA (near my house in Abbotsford). So I never let it get low enough that I would have to fill up near Vancouver............If gas was the same price everywhere, I would be doing the same thing you were, lol........I would even keep an extra gallon in the car just in case, lol......

    My new echo can go around 500-540 miles per tank, but the tank is 11.8 gallons instead of 10, lol.......
    Last edited by Darlo; 03-22-2012, 05:42 AM.

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  • scitzz
    Originally posted by WulfgarTheGreat View Post
    Okay, so scitzz and i spent some time on cleaning the fuel injectors then i was re-installing them and tore 2 "o" rings, got new ones, tested F.I.'s put 'em in and....... IT LIVES!!!!

    Top notch, now lets get that sucker road worthy...

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  • neanderpaul

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  • kartracer46
    getting the Sport ready for some road trip action!

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  • Nerd Racing
    I rolled him out of the garage and gave him a bath! he was pretty dirty from all the dust in the garage. I figured it was the least I could do for him.

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  • Pu241
    Originally posted by Darlo View Post
    haha did you run out?
    No, but I will admit to "white nuckling" the last 10 miles and when I got out of the car I had to breath out so I could remove the seat cover from my posterior!:p

    Seriously, interesting stat between your fuelly and mine (or at least your former fuelly stat) is the miles per refuel. I'm over 400 and you were 330+ miles.

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  • WulfgarTheGreat
    Okay, so scitzz and i spent some time on cleaning the fuel injectors then i was re-installing them and tore 2 "o" rings, got new ones, tested F.I.'s put 'em in and....... IT LIVES!!!!

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  • Darlo
    Originally posted by Pu241 View Post
    What a wuss drive it to the edge!:p

    521 miles and 10.11 gallons!
    haha did you run out?

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  • eurotiva
    Mine goes 275 on 9 gallons....

    Or at FM4 it went 65 miles on 9 gallons

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  • 200KGPGTP
    Originally posted by neanderpaul View Post
    As you can see....

    He's getting 39 in the worst stop and go conditions - delivering papers. So while 37 sounds good to some people for a festiva it's not good.
    Meh......... Granted I do stop a lot, but I drive about 70 miles in about 2 hours which means my average speed is 35.... I feel I should be getting better yet.

    Originally posted by Pu241 View Post
    What a wuss drive it to the edge!:p

    521 miles and 10.11 gallons!
    That's hard to believe, LOL

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  • Pu241
    Originally posted by Darlo View Post
    Furthest I went was 445.1 miles and used 9.03 gallons...........
    What a wuss drive it to the edge!:p

    521 miles and 10.11 gallons!

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  • Pu241
    OK, lets see if this makes you feel better:

    Fueled tank completely up:
    ODO = 144,905.9 left Ripley, WV
    Drove highway all the way to West Point, VA
    Refueled 7.936 gallons
    Odo =145,316.5
    GPS says 396.0 (use GPS for MPG calculations because of the 155/80/12's I'm running)
    Average spd 57.3 mph
    MPG 49.9
    Now that was in the mountains to the shore essentially net down hill. But still a lot of uphill going through the mountains.
    Return trip
    Stopped at same station and refueled to the maximum because gas is always 20¢ cheaper in Ripley than i Ravenswood.
    Fuel = 7.953 gallons
    Odo = 145,720.8
    GPS = 390.0
    Average spd = 57.8 MPH
    MPG = 49.0

    This with a Festiva with a known alignment issue, worn driver-side tire, down pipe in need of replacement, and the left rear brake ever so slightly engaged or possibly bearing going. Not to mention the CEL light going on and off.
    But I did have a grill block both top and bottom.
    Think what could be done with some lowering springs, real gas, and flat terrain!

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