Actually did this yesterday, but didn't have time to post.
Drove Tweak to San Diego. This has been a big year for this car. Engine, tranny, suspension, brakes, wheels and interior all upgraded to RS spec. Then it was driven from sea to shining sea all in the last 8 months! More big plans for 2012!
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What have you done to your Festiva today!?
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ha ha i drilled holes in the floor (my stiva is a chop top convertible) because every damn time it rains, i get like 2 inches of standing water and then i cant drive it for a few days, which makes little beachstiva very angry!!! so now i have 4 drain holes!!! just gotta get some marine grade seats to be water proof!!!still love that lil guy. he needs a sweet paint job tho!!
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been working on mine try 2 replace my o2 senser. Striped out the hole so now i have 2 change out manafold grrrr
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Along the same lines as Brian's post, I found two 2 stage mazda thermostats at the yard when picking up the last few pieces to put a '90 B6 in Danny's car. Cost me $0.83 each (plus tax lol). And Danny's still has a shiny new-looking factory one on his 26k motor too! I need to check the one in Babystiva I'm pretty sure its not a 2 stage, and I know for a fact the one in Chuck is a regular Stant so its getting swapped out too. Last night I got 34.4MPG with Chuck on a tank that was 95% pizza delivery (the other 5% was the drive in to work). Around here thats comparable to what my last B3 was getting delivering
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Installed a new 2 stage Mazda thermostat, the heat is nice and hot now!!
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Originally posted by HondaSlayer View Postgot the b6t running and driving. WOOHOO! need to finish up the suspension andget her inspected.
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Originally posted by newcomb View PostStarted lowering minewith the step by step knowledge of festyboy
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got the b6t running and driving. WOOHOO! need to finish up the suspension andget her inspected.
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spent part of the day wondering about differernt Camo patterns an colors for the festy an reading thru posts looking for what could be the best possible things to do for suspension mods for a lil lower stance better cornering but keeping the stock festy hubs ........does anyone have a list of what they run for a great driving handleing festy
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