Sometimes it's the little things. A lot of what I have done on my car, is just getting it back to having what it should have had when it was new. The back hatch carpet had been torn out about 6" from the seam. I have NO IDEA why. Also the carpet on the back of the seat was missing, so it was exposed metal rust colored circles. The replacement carpet, might not be perfect, but it's MUCH better!
I got the 350 cca battery too. Started festy the other day in 28 degree weather & it worked great.
Hey Festers Q put up you address so we know what part of the world you are in and congrats on the battery, the day that i put the lawn mower battery in our car, i didn't give it much a chance in heck of working boy was i surprized when she came to life and it's still in there. although i do rotate them to keep them fresh.
Walmart Rafe, mine is a 350 cca and works fine, i didn't plan to do this swap but last winter the Die Hard died, so i have the lawn mower battery in the basement on a batt tender, i bolted it in the Festy and have not taken it out, works great.
I got the 350 cca battery too. Started festy the other day in 28 degree weather & it worked great.
I was playing in a Disc Golf tourney in Vichy, MO. Went out Friday night and camped for two days while we played 3 courses Saturday/Sunday. When I was leaving for the trip I couldn't find either of my tents.
Slept in my Festiva the last two nights. There isn't much room back there!! I folded the rear seat flat and the also leaned the drivers seat flat. I tried several positions...none were very comfortable!
Slept in my Festiva the last two nights. There isn't much room back there!! I folded the rear seat flat and the also leaned the drivers seat flat. I tried several positions...none were very comfortable!
Slept in my Festiva the last two nights. There isn't much room back there!! I folded the rear seat flat and the also leaned the drivers seat flat. I tried several positions...none were very comfortable!
Changed the oil in Boopstiva, and in Baby Car. Added flush to boop, and let her run for a minute or so, but no ACC belt meant she couldn't run long, but got the good stuff moving through her at least.
Soaked the IAC in BC AGAIN. Still soaking. Cleaned her out of some of the junk collecting in her since Madness. Got up some unidentified ick junk stuff that was in the back floor board. Flushed the radiator. Installed a new blinker fuse. FINALLY got all my fusible links changed out to long leg cartridges, and yes, Arty, that includes the main. I realized later that I had changed that link out for a short leg cartridge a while back in desperation, and never got it done right, thanks for noticing.
Lemmee see....
Cleaned all the windows, and then thought about putting the aspire seats in. I never got around to that though, getting late now, and so I opened a bottle of Epic Brewerys Big Bad Baptist, release number seven, and am sipping on it, catching a nice, mellow buzz
Installed the Energy Suspension bushings htchback (thanks again! ) ground down for me.
Haven't driven far enough to take some fun corners. We'll see how they do tonight at work.
I will suggest to anyone using the lawnmower/motorcycle battery hack, CLEAN YOUR GROUNDS. ALL OF THEM.
It will make a difference in even the best-able starting systems using less power.
Clean up every connection point, grease it, then insulate it from the elements. You'll never believe how bright your lights get, etc, and you may end up getting slightly better fuel economy from it as well, due to less alternator load.
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