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What have you done to your Festiva today!?
This is a sticky topic.
Haven't actually done any of this to the cars yet, but I picked up a new Ford emblem for Chuck (he was missing his on the grill when I got him back) and also an escort wiper gear and assorted wiper hardware to install the rear wiper motor I got from skim a while back. Then I got some Caravan vent poppers from a '97 Plymouth Voyager (same as the ones in the Caravans) for wifey's car, so she can open and close her vents. If I'd known they were only going to charge <$10 for the pair I'd have picked every one of the vans clean! But by the time I got up to the register it was time to head home. Next time I'll get the whole lot of them, and sell the extras on here for $10+shipping
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Going to lower and do innertie rods.
Then tomorrow I'm going to break into the 9s at the 1/8th
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Extended the shifter below the pivot ball by about 15mm.. Bring on shorter throws!!
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i finished up tinting the windows, did the escort rear wiper gear mod, found some older style wheels to go on the festy, found out it would be easier to just get a engine wiring harness
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Changed my oil, bolted on my hood, installed my grille, cut my
Hood to clear intercooler piping, washed my car, pics in my sig link
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2 down one in the oven and one to go. They are more orange than red the camera just makes it look that way. I'm very happy with the results so far.
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I started to mock up an idea I had to utilize my trunk space better. Being that my sub/amp take up quite a bit of space I came up with this.
What I plan on doing is getting some good wood and making it flush with the hatch opening (where the hatch latches), then all the way to the sides. It will be like a box with my sub in the middle bolted down to prevent it from rattling and the amp mounted to the side. Then I plan on carpeting it to make it look nice.
The mock up version is working very well and I'm looking forward to a final product.Last edited by Charlie1717; 08-01-2011, 05:52 PM.
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Today i put oil and just water in my car to discover I need a water pump on the b8. Cutting corners give you nothin but headaches. Going to pull motor out this week and service it right, but makes me want the z5 on CL that much more. I originally intended this b8 to be in an auto car. MAybe it still will...
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Dropped off my vx wheels to be powder coated this morning along with some Chrysler orange powder. Hopefully I'll have them back tomorrow night so I can finish my aspire swap.
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Like Feistyfesty I too wired up my fan to a toggle so that I can stop using the fuse as an on off :p
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I got a request to explain how to do the manual fan switch so here it is. Hope it is okay in this section.
Materials: 30-40amp relay, 14-16 gauge female connectors, 14-16 gauge eyelets, shrink tubing, 14 gauge wire (5-7 feet?), and about 2 feet of 10 gauge wire, solder, and Harbor Freight torch( $9)
Here is the schematic for wiring:
The only bad thing about this way of wiring is, if you forget to turn off switch, the fan will continue running and kill your battery. It was so hot I did not feel like hunting down a 12 volt key on wire, but I'll do it in the near future.
In this picture, the lime green square is the relay with a convenient threaded hole to mount it to fender.
The dark green circle is the 14 gauge wire that goes to the ground on the battery and
also number 86 on the relay.
The light purple circle is the 10 gauge wire that goes from battery positive to number 30 on relay.
The orange circle is the wire that goes into the cabin to one side of the switch and the number 85 on the relay. The other side of the switch is battery positive that goes into the cabin also. This circuit allows the relay to energize.
In this picture, the lime green circle is the ground wire to the factory fan connector. I mounted it under the radiator hold down and the female connector to the connector.
The red circle is the factory fan connector.
The yellow circle is the 10 gauge wire that goes from number 87 to the blue positive side of the factory fan connector.
This is how the switch looks inside the cabin.
This is a grommet that you can run the wires to the switch into the engine bay, it comes out under the master cylinder.
Hope this helps, if you need more explanations feel free to ask.
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Installed an aircraft style switch and a relay to manually turn on my cooling fan. When my friend did the BP swap, he couldn't figure out a way to make it come on automatically. His switch install was very poorly done without a relay, I guess thats why the switch was burned out. Looks really cool on the dash and works flawlessly.
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Yesterday, I went to Dayton to meet Dave and Dale to get my red right side door and have breakfast!
Is this the longest thread yet?
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