Tinted the rear passenger window & smoked the 1st half of roll for the drivers side Eh oh well the one side looks nice :tongue3: & I will do the rest w/ next check
My dad has that one on his aspire. He went to a abulance call and the back of his pile made the news. Its purple and you could see it said police interceptor right by aspire.
Installed axles, brake calipers, rotors, lines, new copper washers, wheels, stud kit, tried to fit radiator but needs to be modified, and almost got done making my motor mount but had to go to work. I snapped a few pics..
Worked on my white car (still can't figure the brakes out, must need another bleeding) and used it to pull my green car out of the woods, messed up the fender on my green car, so I may either get it fixed as is or get two fenders (the one on my white car was already smashed up)
Got excited today n kept goin with the brakes;
Removed all lines for shop to convery to s/s braided, teflon coated items. Removed/inspected steering rack for recon(just needed a cleam, still in top condition!) And replaced tie rod ends with new aspire-hub appropriate ones. she's comin together slowly!
Ive only driven her once, once since I bought her, I can Not wait to finish!!
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