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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • zoom zoom
    Yea well that's what I've been telling my old lady.. she doesn't want to set aside funds for me to get jackstands, I've been nagging her for the last 8 months about it. I've got 2 hydraulic jacks but one loses pressure like you say yours does, the other is just wore out completely, bother duralast jacks from azone, 3-5 years old, they probably just need lube but I don't trust them because they do lose pressure. As much as I'm under our vehicles I hope she got my point today about the jackstands. Thankfully, I had the tires blocked, and it kept it from straight rolling on top of me in a heartbeat. Maybe now she understands why I constantly yell at her boys when they get near me while I'm working on a suspended vehicle. I don't have any cinder blocks or stumps or anything in my tiny yard to use either, trust me I've been trying to get something for awhile now, granted it never was top priority.

    She was actually in the garage port about 20 feet away and came screaming at me asking if I was ok when she heard it hit the ground.

    Really, there's no one to blame but myself, I shouldn't mess with it unless it's "secure" but at the same time I have to do what I HAVE to do, and I don't have the $ to pay someone else to do it.
    Last edited by zoom zoom; 08-17-2011, 02:55 AM.

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  • Oren09
    Originally posted by Zanzer View Post
    ^^ Always use jack stands just in case

    I don't trust any jack, hydraulic or mechanical, and stands are good insurance. It only takes one "aww crap!" moment to mess you up.
    Yep. Jacks are only meant for lifting.
    I have a 3 ton floor jack and it ticks and drops in height a tiny unmeasurable amount every couple of seconds just from the weight of a Festiva.
    I will not get under a car if it's not supported by jack stands.

    Oh, and I put a little oil in the Festy and drove it.
    I've been driving my truck all weekend...

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  • Zanzer
    ^^ Always use jack stands just in case

    I don't trust any jack, hydraulic or mechanical, and stands are good insurance. It only takes one "aww crap!" moment to mess you up.

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  • zoom zoom
    Mine failed, the metal at the pivot point is cracked on one side, made it start to lean..and slowly but surely hit the pavement.

    I should sue dodge for putting out such low quality shit, its for my mini van! But then they'd counter its not made for my car blah blah.. I'd think a jack made for a minivan's weight would me more than sufficient to hold up the front/driver side of an aspire.

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  • 91_festy_Gl
    Originally posted by zoom zoom View Post
    Replaced the driver side LCA..almost got smashed in the process..the jack failed hard.
    Funny, the same thing happened to me today too. My jack sank into the soft ground because of the rain yesterday.

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  • zoom zoom
    Replaced the driver side LCA..almost got smashed in the process..the jack failed hard.

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  • Advancedynamix
    Originally posted by Charlie1717 View Post
    More info please Looks good! What is it from? Did it just clip to the speaker grill?
    If I recall correctly those screw on with 2 or three screws. You can get them at a lot of places, I got the one I had in my Toyota pickup at a truckstop along the interstate, but I have seen them at autoparts stores and even walmart. It folds up all nice when your not using it, really a nice sturdy little holder, but you can't fit big drinks in it.

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  • neanderpaul
    Picked up a brush guard for my dad's f-150 for his birthday present. Dad will be 79.

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  • neanderpaul
    Hauled a festiva with my festiva. The following is a video. Click it!

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  • Ford Fester
    Installed my new bra....fits so nice..

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  • Charlie1717
    Originally posted by rakfint View Post
    Added a cup holder for my lady.

    More info please Looks good! What is it from? Did it just clip to the speaker grill?

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  • Advancedynamix
    Miata master cylinder and booster

    Installed a Miata master cylinder and booster on the Festiva today.

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  • rakfint
    Added a cup holder for my lady.

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  • rollertoaster
    Installed a aspire brake booster, and escort gt master cylinder today. The brakes feel great now. I also made some rallyarmor style mudflaps for the front. I would have preferred them in black rather than red, but I'm not one to turn down free parts.

    - Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • FeistyFesti
    Got my down pipe installed, flex joint, deleted cat, straight pipe to a 25 inch Cherry Bomb glass pack and then exiting out in front of the passenger side rear wheel. It is very loud, but sounds pretty good when I get on it hard. I will probably have to put another glass pack on to quiet it down or just leave it and get used to it. Lost a little low end torque but it picks up pretty quickly once revs build up. Pics tomorrow, its been raining all day.

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