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What have you done to your Festiva today!?
This is a sticky topic.
Left my lights on overnight which drained my battery. Jumped the car and burned out the middle fusible link. Burned it out again...whatever my battery charger is at my parents...than stopped burning fuses and all is good. Until the next day where my belt starts chirping, changed belt...starts smoking. Okay its too tight...but Im gonna swap in my Ford Probe alt in. Actually using deflection measurements (lol) the squeeling has been minimized...but its not charging worth a crap. So the alt is coming out so I can put the Festiva pulley on the Probe alt...unless it doesnt which point the Festi alt is going back in.
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Oil change, trimmed my rear bumper so I stop burning it up with the exhaust, and bolted my fender more secure to the body again lol
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Originally posted by bravekozak View PostI would get a piece of steel from Metal Supermarket, just a little smaller than the inside diameter of the tube, round the end, undo the flex tube, slide it in, heat the dent, and then hammer in the steel to straighten out the dents.
The end of the tube being inserted would have to have a rounded end like a cow magnet does.
So that a sharp end wouldn't crease the dent as its hammered inwards.
I'm still going to put this off for a while,
At least until I can find the cause of these so I can keep it from happening again.
The way I see it now is that the lower primaries have been "clearanced" for whatever caused it lol.
A one time fix like this would be best because we all know how soft metal gets when its bent too many times.
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I would get a piece of steel from Metal Supermarket, just a little smaller than the inside diameter of the tube, round the end, undo the flex tube, slide it in, heat the dent, and then hammer in the steel to straighten out the dents.Last edited by bravekozak; 05-06-2014, 09:22 PM.
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Grind a spot clean.
get a stud welder or go to a body shop and have them stud weld it and pull the dents.
Oh and what I did to my festiva today.
I rotated my tires on lunch break at work and while I was under there I admired my frame rot.
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Was cruising around today fiddling with fuel pressure, idle speed, and ignition timing .
Now that it is summer time, my car needed its seasonal tune :-).
Everything is dialed in nicely,
after all the time I spent learning how to get everything in harmony its easy now.
But when I sent under my car just to have a look like usual every now and again.
I found bad news!
As soon as I saw it I instantly was torn between 2 realities;
1. I take very good care of my car and tend to take my time around bumps/potholes/etc.
I can not remember ever bottoming this car out maybe the p.o. but not me.
2. The fact that it could be no-one else's fault but mine since I'm the only one that drives it.
I'm so mad. not at myself but the situation grrrr......
Here's pics...
So now I have the two center cylinders with reduced capacity primaries.
Which means that those 2 cylinders should see higher temps and pressures than the outside 2.
We all know a smooth running engine basically starts with balanced/matched airflow into and out of each cylinder.
One day I will have dickmeyer repair them,
But for now I just wanna let it sink in what I did :-(Last edited by rmoltis; 05-06-2014, 08:34 PM.
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was cruisin around today in my aspire.
and stopped at a stop light.
had my windows down.
guy pulls up next to me rolls down his windows and says,
"hey how much you want for your car?"
then i said
"you wouldnt be able to afford it :-D"
then drove off on the green light.
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I put away my winter DD ( Festdiva ) and brought out my summer DD( Frankenstiva ). Both got a bath.
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Worked on my parts car, Red Saturday. Installed the air meter, removed the cracked radiator from the battery explosion, got rid of the wire rig job the last owner did on the rad fan to make it work. Looked over the a/c components to figure how I'm going to remove all that and put it in Squig.Last edited by muleskinner; 05-04-2014, 11:13 AM.
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Originally posted by muleskinner View Post...till we can get something to cut the bolts on both sides of the shock.
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Went over to a friends Friday to replace the struts on Blue. Front struts were replaced with no problem, but the rear struts wouldn't come off. The bottom bolts were frozen in the shock so when we were taking the bolts out they stayed in and broke the welds on the nuts. I had to leave Blue at my friends till we can get something to cut the bolts on both sides of the shock.Last edited by muleskinner; 05-03-2014, 09:13 PM.
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Originally posted by bravekozak View PostWhat do you mean rewired the headlight wire? My headlight connector tab broke, so I popped the terminals out of a junkyard connector and my bad one, Dremel wire wheeled them, and popped them back in.
I hope you didn't cut the wire.
Well I put in a better connection with an inline fuse the other day.
Sorry I didn't explain that.
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