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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • getnpsi
    Originally posted by ryanprins13 View Post
    Did new gas help?

    Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
    Yes that was the problem I should not doubt my head swapping skills. I have never experienced bad gas before except in motorcycles. Thanks to those who asked about it

    Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

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  • ryanprins13
    Originally posted by getnpsi View Post
    Today I'm draining the gas from 2014 it looks like a good whisky. It smells pretty harsh so it's got to be Irish, as noted in spelling.

    Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
    Did new gas help?

    Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk

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  • getnpsi
    Originally posted by firebush357 View Post
    I was worried about draining mine into a 5 Gallon Home Depot bucket because I wasn't sure if it was going to melt but it needed to come out because the gas was 6-10 years old...
    Oh those buckets are resilient. The little triangle with the number tells you what kind of bad risks you can take when the EPA is not watching

    Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

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  • firebush357
    Originally posted by getnpsi View Post
    Today I'm draining the gas from 2014 it looks like a good whisky. It smells pretty harsh so it's got to be Irish, as noted in spelling.

    Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
    I was worried about draining mine into a 5 Gallon Home Depot bucket because I wasn't sure if it was going to melt but it needed to come out because the gas was 6-10 years old...

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  • getnpsi
    Today I'm draining the gas from 2014 it looks like a good whisky. It smells pretty harsh so it's got to be Irish, as noted in spelling.

    Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

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  • fastivaca
    Not so much what I did "to" the Festiva but what I did "for" it. Installed new valve seals in the replacement head for my B6T. Started cleaning up and then found one of the valve spring shims on the floor. Of course it wasn't one of the first ones I pulled to check... no it was the 14t one! On the plus side, I'm getting really good at using my new valve spring compressor!

    I have get the Bugeye project up on the rotisserie so I can move it around. It's up on jack stands at the moment waiting to have the drivetrain pulled. Once I've done that I can pull the Festiva in the garage and get to work... replace the cylinder head, replace the passenger side axle, install rebuilt passenger side steering up re-plumb the oil pressure gauge sender, rewire the water-meth injection and do a general cleanup in the engine compartment.


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  • bravekozak
    Nice weather today.
    Installed my new headlamp assembly.
    It even came with the bulb and lock ring.

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  • ryanprins13
    Originally posted by fastivaca View Post
    Picked up a rebuilt alternator for the B6T Festiva. Went to install is and some bozo had put a bunch of hoses and an oil catch can in the way. Disconnected all that to get decent access to the alternator bolts and dropped the old one out the bottom. So far... so good.

    Double checked the replacement to make sure the mounting points and plugs where correct then went to slide it into position. Not so fast... it wouldn't "slide" in. It was hitting the steering rack bracket and passenger side axle. Back out from under the car to compare the old and new... turns out the new one was around 3/8" bigger than the old one. Jacked up the passenger side some more so that the axle was in full droop and I was able to get the new one in... sort of. Ended up having to remove the oil filter as well to give me enough wiggle room to get the replacement in position. A little bit frustrating as it took about twice as long as I expected. Oh, I forgot to mention that I was doing this in the lane behind the house as that same bozo I mentioned earlier put another project car in the garage and it currently has no wheels on it.

    One bonus is that I discovered the hose from the block vent had popped off and it appears to have done so a long time ago. Put that back on with its clamp in the proper position.

    Now the battery charges up properly and in turn starts the car. Very nice to have now that the weather has cooled off.
    Thats a pain. How has your heat been so far this winter with the b6t?

    Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk

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  • Stanza
    Tried to replace the valve cover gasket, and managed to crack the valve cover right where the top right bolt goes through. *forehead slap*

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  • fastivaca
    Alternating from under the car to over the engine.....

    Picked up a rebuilt alternator for the B6T Festiva. Went to install is and some bozo had put a bunch of hoses and an oil catch can in the way. Disconnected all that to get decent access to the alternator bolts and dropped the old one out the bottom. So far... so good.

    Double checked the replacement to make sure the mounting points and plugs where correct then went to slide it into position. Not so fast... it wouldn't "slide" in. It was hitting the steering rack bracket and passenger side axle. Back out from under the car to compare the old and new... turns out the new one was around 3/8" bigger than the old one. Jacked up the passenger side some more so that the axle was in full droop and I was able to get the new one in... sort of. Ended up having to remove the oil filter as well to give me enough wiggle room to get the replacement in position. A little bit frustrating as it took about twice as long as I expected. Oh, I forgot to mention that I was doing this in the lane behind the house as that same bozo I mentioned earlier put another project car in the garage and it currently has no wheels on it.

    One bonus is that I discovered the hose from the block vent had popped off and it appears to have done so a long time ago. Put that back on with its clamp in the proper position.

    Now the battery charges up properly and in turn starts the car. Very nice to have now that the weather has cooled off.

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  • toebro04
    tried to replace my thermostat and broke a bolt off in the head.......this car has been nothing but a pain in my ass since i bought it last year oh well ill keep dumping money into it oh and i put cab lights on it.

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  • Rick the Quick
    Originally posted by 1990new View Post
    During the last week I have replaced the tail light gaskets on Nellie (Got from Festiva Store Ben at Madness), replaced front brake pads, cleaned the wheels and put new Nankang 165/70 R12 tires on here. She now has 105,473 miles on her.

    These photos are in my Google photo account. Can everyone link to and see them?
    I'm not everyone but I tried the link and it worked. Nice photos BTW. Thanks for sharing them. I need to try imgur. Did I spell that right? I do not like to use google for anything unless I have to. They are getting way to powerful in my opinion.

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  • 1990new
    During the last week I have replaced the tail light gaskets on Nellie (Got from Festiva Store Ben at Madness), replaced front brake pads, cleaned the wheels and put new Nankang 165/70 R12 tires on here. She now has 105,473 miles on her.

    These photos are in my Google photo account. Can everyone link to and see them?
    Last edited by 1990new; 10-26-2017, 05:36 PM.

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  • F3BZ
    i have no doubt you're very happy with the car as its been well sorted. i might even agree after a ride. i just think the perception of a good handling car is as individual as the driver and the roads and speeds he uses it on and can't be distilled by just numbers. as much as i've devoured the posts in the ultimate suspension guide i can't accept that there really is an "ultimate" setup as things can always be tweaked, added, subtracted, changed and adjusted for a new 'ultimate"

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  • jawja jim
    After driving Pedro over 13k miles since April (through 26 states and 2 Canadian provinces), I can assure you that the car is as good for driving and handling as ANY car I've ever driven. It's not just a track car. Bigger cars may be more plush and have more creature comforts, but it is an effortless road car to drive. If it just had cruise control, I could handle 12 hour driving days with ease.

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