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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • TorqueEffect
    Lot's of people installing A/C. lol

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  • bravekozak
    I replaced the evaporator on my Festiva. I cannabalized three evaporators to make one good one. I installed a new expansion valve with new o-rings. I had to throw one core away + one tube coming off the valve, both because of stripped threads. I also relpaced the evaporator housing for one with clips to hold the A/C harness. The thermostat switch was also changed from a side to a front spade orientation. I vacuum pumped the system and will check if it holds, tomorrow. The secret to removing hoses from Schrader valves, is to continue to press down while completely unscrewing the hose end, and then quickly pulling up against the vacuum. The goal is to achieve an abrupt closure of the valve with minimum vacuum loss. I also bought a Schrader valve replacement tool (made in the U.S.A.) on the bay. Just in case the vacuum doesn't hold perfectly, I will replace both of them before I do any black light leak testing. I do not want any R-12 making it out into the atmosphere, after I fill it.

    As for vacuum pump oil, I am using straight 30 with no detergent. I am replacing the pump oil every time it gets hot and cloudy.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 08-03-2014, 02:44 PM.

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  • DrMaxwellEdison
    Started getting it cleaned up and prepared to have Air Condition installed after I re-read the write up for that on here.....

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  • villageidiot
    went to the shop today (where i work)

    pulled the lines off the master and blew air/brake parts cleaner thru them and out the other ends, all 4 corners blew thru fine.

    no fluid coming out of the master at the circuit closest to the booster. bad master. no one within 50 miles shows a master, so now i gotta order from rockauto, and see if they will take this one back (new out the box yesterday).

    bled the brakes in the 190sl racecar, and put the clutch and transmission back in it..... semi productive, damn festiva won't let me have a victory.

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  • 1990new
    AC Evaporator Cleanup

    Yesterday I took the AC evaporator out of Bessie and cleaned it up.
    Here is a link to pictures of the before and after. (24 years and over 330K later).
    It'a a wonder how the AC has been working at all during the last year.
    Last edited by 1990new; 08-03-2014, 01:44 PM.

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  • defprun
    Tunnel Run, BP Ford Festiva:

    Skip to 4:55, gopro rattling against the rearview mirror kindof annoying.

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  • navdoc101
    Originally posted by eurotiva View Post
    re installed my air conditioning.
    Ahh.. Florida summer.

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  • eurotiva
    re installed my air conditioning.

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  • Brennan O
    Originally posted by Chobobulous View Post
    Turns out that was one of the people I had put in the army.
    Thank you for your service.

    I worked on buying a Festiva today. Dude went out with his wife instead of meeting me to show the car like we talked about twice on the phone today. Going to give him another try tomorrow. I want that car!

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  • old yellow
    picked up some of the new parts for my aspire engine swap for my festiva

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  • Chobobulous
    Omg I drove it! It ran perfect! Almost. When letting off the gas in neutral it will stall every time. Im assuming a vacuum leak somewhere? Anyways after my 15 mile drive on the interstate I got off on the exit. At the light it stalled. Again. I tried to start it and all I heard was click click click click. I started swearing because there was a line of cars behind me. I jumped out and tested the battery connections as I walked back I said to the car beside me this sucks. Turns out that was one of the people I had put in the army. He jumped out, cracked a few small car jokes, and helped me push it so I could bump start it. We got it bump started I said thanks and we parted ways.

    Small world lol.

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  • Pu241
    Bled all the brake lines.
    Some nasty looking hydraulic fluid in there.
    Replaced the front struts and cleaned and greased the strut bearing.
    Rides like new.
    Of course while under it I see signs of of rear main seal leaking.
    time for a clutch while I'm in there.

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  • villageidiot
    installed new calipers and front hoses
    changed master cylinder
    plugs, wires, cap, rotor, air filter, fuel filter and fuel filter mounts (same as a benz air filter mount)
    replaced both alternator and ac belts
    did an oil change
    filled up trans fluid (automatic)

    started to bleed brakes, i get fluid to the right rear, left front, and right front (i think), but im not getting fluid to the left rear, pulled the rubber hose out (new last weekend) it blows thru fine. pulled the little hard line to the wheel cylinder, it blows thru fine. put a vaccum pump on the hard line coming from the front of the car, nothing at all comes out. tomorrow will pull the line off at the distribution block on the firewall and blow thru it with air and hopefully un clog it, then i can flush it with cleaner and air, repeat til im happy. then hopefully i can finish bleeding the brakes, and adjust the rear wheel bearings.

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  • bravekozak
    If you have the spring installed correctly, there should be some slight lateral movement in order to maintain the proper timing belt tension at all times.
    Last edited by bravekozak; 08-02-2014, 08:25 PM.

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  • Chobobulous
    Got the new timing belt and tensioner pulley in on. I was under the impression that the pulley should move laterally. At 14-20 ftlbs it doesnt move at all.

    Am I missing something here?

    Also, the little sock for the spring was destroyed. That shouldn't be a problem though right.
    Last edited by Chobobulous; 08-02-2014, 08:08 PM.

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