Getting pretty tired of this project though. Broke a stud in the exh manifold, and I have no exhaust solutions in general. I had a brand new festy downpipe but I now know that won't work.....................
Used Loctite on the door latch screws. The thing has come loose for the second time this week and has been getting more and more frequent.
Let's see it come loose now.
Installed some steelies with good tread on them and also installed the manual belt on the passenger side. "Fixed" the problem with the manual belt spool mount not lining up properly too!
I'm stocked up on 12s for awhile!
Got a set of steelies and a set of alloys from Fred that both have really good tread on them. Not to mention another set of alloys that are currently at Dennis' for powder coating.
And here are the steelies mounted on my car...not sure if I like the silver over my old black steelies, but the tires are considerably better.
Here is the passenger belt installed.
And here is how I fixed the mount on top not lining up right...well not being tall enough to go into the slot to keep it lined up/centered. Ziptie!!
Noticed a puddle of gas under my car after fixing and reinstalling my gas tank. Turns out the drain plug was Reinstalled the interior without the back seat and gave her a vaccuum.
Do you see that little circlip groove near the end of the splines on that picture on the box? You want to get a big screwdriver, put a little constant pressure on the bell and tap gently all around the bell to center that little circlip. It should just pop right out. The goal is not to jam or damage that circlip. Good luck grey.
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