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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • muleskinner
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Got up early, and went to meet Muleskinner at the junkyard.
    They just got in a White 90' L-Plus a couple days ago, had a couple goodies, most of the car was clean except for body rust, Interior was exceptionally clean, only the driver seat had a bit of the vinyl cracking on the side.

    Muleskinner got his door, hood, and some hubcaps, L Plus door cards, and the tail-light access doors.

    The white hood off the 90' L Plus had practically no rust at all, just a bit dirty, this is the hood muleskinner picked up.
    I grabbed the white tach cluster, scissor jack bar (Mine was missing), turn indicator lenses, map pockets, brake booster hose (Previous owner put garden hose on there), and the automatic console with shelf (going to use it on my 5-speed, just need a aftermarket shifter boot to match.) Currently painting it black.

    I was thinking of getting an escort console, but I would rather have a cubby hole with a shelf than cup holders, I mean I can just use the ash tray hole as a cup holder, the passenger can just carry their drink. lol
    What TorqueEffect said. Never been to a Upull&pay. I like the place. Thanks TE for the heads up on the door and hood!

    When I got home I picked up the Festiva from the welders ..... Looks great! ...... Then put on the hood I got. I put my windshield washer tank with the new motor back in the front and hooked it all up.

    I realized I'm going to need a drive axle really soon. The boots are broken and tore apart.

    Tomorrrow I'll be taking off the steering wheel to put the new turnsignal/headlight/wiper switch on.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Got up early, and went to meet Muleskinner at the junkyard.
    They just got in a White 90' L-Plus a couple days ago, had a couple goodies, most of the car was clean except for body rust, Interior was exceptionally clean, only the driver seat had a bit of the vinyl cracking on the side.

    Muleskinner got his door, hood, and some hubcaps, L Plus door cards, and the tail-light access doors.

    The white hood off the 90' L Plus had practically no rust at all, just a bit dirty, this is the hood muleskinner picked up.
    I grabbed the white tach cluster, scissor jack bar (Mine was missing), turn indicator lenses, map pockets, brake booster hose (Previous owner put garden hose on there), and the automatic console with shelf (going to use it on my 5-speed, just need a aftermarket shifter boot to match.) Currently painting it black.

    I was thinking of getting an escort console, but I would rather have a cubby hole with a shelf than cup holders, I mean I can just use the ash tray hole as a cup holder, the passenger can just carry their drink. lol
    Last edited by TorqueEffect; 04-05-2013, 04:41 PM.

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  • 200KGPGTP
    Just broke my 1/2" breaker bar on the drivers side axle nut lol. But it came loose at the same time so I WIN!

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  • 200KGPGTP
    Originally posted by Prafeston View Post
    Sweet! So you already got the motor swap done?
    Nope. I had it inspected before I started.

    I'm just about ready to yank the B3 out, haven't had much time lately with as much as I've been working. I have today off though!!

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  • defprun

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  • Oren09
    What he said^
    I want to put an actuator in the hatch as well.
    The black box on the upper right is the central locking control module that came with the door locks.
    I have most of it installed now. The hardest part was running 5 wires through the door loom and figuring out the instruction manual.
    All that's left is the valet switch, hood pin switch, and hatch actuator and wiring.

    I used the Omega power lock kit and Scytek SP-400 alarm from Under $60 shipped and seems to do what I want it to.

    I ran the dome light on wire and door trigger wire to the passenger side dome light switch. When I was hooking it up and testing continuity, getting + battery voltage on the dome wire with the doors closed really threw me off. But, it works right with the alarm. Opening either door will set it off and the dome light comes on for 30 seconds when you push the unlock button. The lock actuators took some fiddling with the rod to get them to lock AND unlock, but wasn't bad.
    I haven't heard the siren go off yet because I had it unplugged for testing as I live in an apartment complex so I don't know what exactly it sounds like. I have the shock sensor hanging inside the dashboard and a sharp push on the fender makes the warning go off. I haven't hit the car hard enough for full alarm.

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  • Prafeston
    Originally posted by bravekozak View Post
    Is the black box to the right the picture a power door lock relay?
    What is the fourth actuator for?
    Most of the kits come in 2 or 4 if you want 1 for each door and the hatch you have to get the kit with 4 in it. Guess the 4th will just be a back up.

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  • Prafeston
    Originally posted by 200KGPGTP View Post
    Got it legal!! Last three on the plate are H8R!! Lol
    Sweet! So you already got the motor swap done?

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  • XFSE71
    I rebuilt my upper radiator support using sway bar bushings.

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  • 200KGPGTP
    Got it legal!! Last three on the plate are H8R!! Lol

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  • bravekozak
    Is the black box to the right the picture a power door lock relay?
    What is the fourth actuator for?
    Last edited by bravekozak; 04-05-2013, 12:29 AM.

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  • Oren09
    Bench tested my car alarm and door lock kit. The wiring diagram that came with the alarm was next to useless so I set it up on my floor to figure it out.

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  • Twistiva
    Last week: pulled 2 rear seat interior trim quarter-panels in nice shape. Dry and faded but very few nickes/gouges. :thumbs_up:

    Today: called on some new wheels. Still. Aaargh!, searching for 15" wheels is tough, tough if you're picky about what you want. Sigh..... hmmmmmm

    Oh, and I also dropped off the check today to the guy who painted my beloved "Twistiva" over the last 6 weeks. Gonna go pick it up on Saturday. Tons of rain here the last 2 days made his 100-yard long dirt driveway a mess and he and I both agreed it would be a crime to mess up my brand new paintjob with red Oklahoma mud. :nono:
    Last edited by Twistiva; 04-03-2013, 11:32 PM.

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  • Team Lightning
    I fixed a rear bearing issue on the left side of my silver 90.
    Then I installed a Curtis hitch on the Team Lightning rescue vehicle. (My 98 Dakota).
    Much better than the bumper mounted ball I was using.

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  • Prafeston
    My KYB GR-2s came in today. Not sure when I'll have time to through them and the FMS springs on it.

    What should I do about the rusting issues with the springs? Talking with Fred and he mentioned sandblast and powdercoat...would the powdercoating hold up on the springs that are going to be compressing and moving a lot?

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