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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • TorqueEffect
    Originally posted by walth View Post
    did it start back up and run fine? I think the engine loses vacuum when you close the TB. and then hitting the brakes will draw even more vacuum. Someone else who knows more about all the factors will have to chime in.. I would think with a perfectly timed release of the throttle and hitting the brakes it would shutter pretty good but shouldn't stall. You could have a dirty IAC valve which is pretty common.. but not sure.
    Yes, started up and ran just fine.

    Where is this IAC located so I can clean it?

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  • walth
    did it start back up and run fine? I think the engine loses vacuum when you close the TB. and then hitting the brakes will draw even more vacuum. Someone else who knows more about all the factors will have to chime in.. I would think with a perfectly timed release of the throttle and hitting the brakes it would shutter pretty good but shouldn't stall. You could have a dirty IAC valve which is pretty common.. but not sure.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Tested the 0-60, bone stock B3 with all interior and then some. It did 0-60 in an appalling 16 seconds. I have no idea what the norm for a bone stock Festiva is, but I bet I could have at least shaved a sec or two off if my launch and shifts were better.

    As I came to the end of the street after hitting 65, I hit the brakes and then the engine stalled. Any ideas why that would happen?

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  • kartracer46
    you can order all the stock parts on ebay in AP or Walker and bolt them on. If you spend a bit of time scrolling down through the listings you can do it with all the new gaskets for $120 or so with free shipping.

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  • Pu241
    Twistiva, if your exhaust from the cat back is OEM, or even if it isn't(just so long as the cat studs are intact), you can order the mid pipe,muffler, and two of the same gaskets and install it your self, at home.
    Using just a set of jack stands.
    I do recommend using stainless steel fasteners (nuts on the cat and two of a proper sized bolt and nut set on the mid-pipe flange to muffler flange) for easy replacement later.
    Done this many times.
    No welding required.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Ordered a Denso o2 Sensor from Rockauto, hopefully this cures the rich running problem.

    If it doesn't then I may need to advance the timing for the larger exhaust someone in the past put on the car.

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  • Prafeston
    That FMS bumper is looking nice!

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  • navdoc101
    IMG_1274[1].jpgIMG_1275[1].jpgWhat I've been up to the last few days.banana time

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  • Twistiva
    Drove 80 miles down to Oklahoma City (again!) to try and get a new muffler installed via a Midas warranty. "Try" is the operative word there....

    90 minute drive there. Waited about an hour to get my turn on one of the lifts and as soon as they got it up the manager showed me there were holes not only in the muffler but in the exhaust pipe upstream from the muffler. He said no upstream exhaust pipes were in stock (no surprise there) and he normally could just fabricate one right there at the shop but he didn't have any 2" pipe available.

    So....back to OKC I'll go in about a week when he either finds a stock pipe or the materials to make one.


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  • bravekozak
    Did you install a compressor to power it with air?

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  • Skrapbob
    Originally posted by Flw Sock View Post
    Added some massive train horns to my festy yesterday. Video tomorrow maybe.
    I want one!

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  • DriverOne
    Re: What have you done to your Festiva today!?

    I can't wait to hear it!

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  • Flw Sock
    Added some massive train horns to my festy yesterday. Video tomorrow maybe.

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  • TorqueEffect
    Fixed up my ghetto rigged muffler again, this time it should be good for a long while.

    Three 2 1/8th" exhaust clamps, a 2 1/8th" flex pipe, and a couple soda cans.
    Though I do need a piece of rubber to wrap around the axle, so when the clamp bangs into the axle it doesn't make a loud rattle.

    Now I also went out and picked up some longer machine screws for my speakers so I can install the covers that came with them.
    Now I don't have to worry about kneeing the speakers when getting out of the car and breaking them.
    Pics will come tomorrow, I got too caught up in the exhaust work to take pictures.

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  • Spike
    Went up to Dennis' house and started disassembling the '88LX. Was hoping to get the gas tank and wiring harness both out today, but barely got the tank out.. Spent about 5 hours on a gas tank lol. The last tank I took off was on my auto, which didn't have any e-brake in the way, so never knew how tough it could be with all the proper stuff in there.

    Ah. Time to take a shower and get the stench of gasoline off me. :p

    But... progress!!

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