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What have you done to your Festiva today!?

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  • Christ
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Yep, drive it till the body rusts off. Which it has already started that long ago, lol.

    Sad to say though that I am probably the guy with the most rusty, beat up Festy on this website and still drives it. Mainly since it is my only car. (Sucks being poor.) The damn thing turned into a money pit, paid $400, have around $400-$500 into it, and the damn thing still looks like it is fit for the scrap heap, and more and more problems keep rearing their ugly heads everyday.

    I don't know how many more years it is going to be on the road, hoping to fine a non runner with a good body with minimal to no rust for cheap and just swap the motor out of this one.
    If I find a good body out here in the junkyard I buy cars from, I'll let you know and I can even help you get clean paperwork for it for the cost of two title transfers. (one into my name, then from me to you)

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  • TorqueEffect
    Originally posted by DriverOne View Post
    That's the beat thing to do with a Festy: drive it!
    Yep, drive it till the body rusts off. Which it has already started that long ago, lol.

    Sad to say though that I am probably the guy with the most rusty, beat up Festy on this website and still drives it. Mainly since it is my only car. (Sucks being poor.) The damn thing turned into a money pit, paid $400, have around $400-$500 into it, and the damn thing still looks like it is fit for the scrap heap, and more and more problems keep rearing their ugly heads everyday.

    I don't know how many more years it is going to be on the road, hoping to fine a non runner with a good body with minimal to no rust for cheap and just swap the motor out of this one.

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  • crazyrog17
    Figured I'm putting 250 miles on it a week. Starting to think about a 2013 1.0 ecoboost Fiesta...

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  • DriverOne
    Originally posted by TorqueEffect View Post
    Topped up the coolant and drove it. That's about it. :p
    That's the beat thing to do with a Festy: drive it!

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  • TorqueEffect
    Topped up the coolant and drove it. That's about it. :p

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  • link5186
    Originally posted by kellen302 View Post
    Tried to change my wiper blades with the 3 or 4 sets of refills the PO included with it. Not a single one of them was the right size.
    Too long? Cut 'em down.
    Too short? Too bad.

    I took my wife out on a drive in mine. Developed what sounds suspiciously like a small hole in the muffler. That's of little consequence though; there are big plans about to be realized for the silver bullet. A stock muffler is most certainly not part of those plans.

    Sent from the bathroom via crapatalk.

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  • walth
    ^^ that sucks Kellen

    tonight I checked fuel pressure and did a leak down test.

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  • kellen302
    Tried to change my wiper blades with the 3 or 4 sets of refills the PO included with it. Not a single one of them was the right size.

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  • blkfordsedan
    Pushed it out of the garage, hosed it off, and getting ready to put it up on jackstands...
    To FINALLY start the actual B6 swap. The new B6 engine is all done, sans the few parts that will be used off the old B3. Once the old B3 is out, I will pressure wash the engine bay, patch some minor rust on the lower radiator support and the heart transplant will begin. I suspect I have about 4-5 weeks before the weather turns too cold to work outside. Plenty of time if I can stay on task.

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  • rbrown
    Originally posted by Advancedynamix View Post
    Officially completed a trans continental voyage from Fiesta Island, SD-CA to Roanoke Island, NC. Ten Days, two coasts and two Festiva events!

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  • Advancedynamix
    Officially completed a trans continental voyage from Fiesta Island, SD-CA to Roanoke Island, NC. Ten Days, two coasts and two Festiva events!

    Fiesta Island Park, San Diego CA

    Corolla Beach, Roanoke Island, North Carolina.

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  • neanderpaul
    I took it to church to clean out a classroom. The church was throwing away a bunch of things. Two chalkboards, a bunch of small sturdy wooden children's chairs, a stereo, and some other odds and ends. I was helping clean out but also scored some stuff to sell craigslist.

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  • Aaronbrook37
    Wet-sanded the hatch and threw on some more paint and primer to delete my emblems. Also degreased the car and got it washed properly. Heading to the muffler shop on Friday to get the exhaust properly mounted. Ordered my wideband and gauge assembly (boost / afr / egt) as well as preparing to buy 185/60-13 tires for my VX rims (need sandblasting and paint) and a few interior odds and ends.

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  • scitzz
    There ya go.

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  • Damkid
    Coolant levels are fine.... When I pulled my motor the other weekend, when I took the rad out it showed signs of being plugged, I took a quick look on rock auto and it's looking like $60 ish for a new rad, so I'll go that route
    Last edited by Damkid; 10-10-2012, 06:07 AM.

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